Course information
In French we offer courses at 6 different levels: 4 courses for basic users (=Grundstufe) and 2 courses for independent users (=Aufbaustufe). Each course for basic users comprises of 3 hours a week plus one hour tutorial, an equivalent of 4.5 ECTS-credits. The courses for independent users are 2-hour-courses to which 3 ECTS-credits are allocated.
Course requirements
Min. 80% attendance, active participation, oral and written contributions, assignments, written tests.
Special course on Romance languages
In addition, we offer in the summer semester a 2-hour course on Romance Languages for those who already have a good knowledge of French, Italian or Spanish (B1 and above) and would like to acquire parallel competences in other Romance languages.

Course level
Courses in the winter semester
- Grundstufe I: Prerequisite: none, target level: A1
- Grundstufe III: Prerequisite: A1+, target level: A2
- Aufbaustufe I: Prerequisite: A2+/B1, target level: B1
- Learn Romance languages through networking: Prerequisite: B1 (in at least one Romance language), target level: plurilingual competencies
Courses in the summer semester
- Grundstufe II: Prerequisite: A1, target level: A1+
- Grundstufe IV: Prerequisite: A2, target level: A2+/B1
- Aufbaustufe II: Prerequisite: B1, target level: B1+
Photograph: © Kay Müller