Neurocognition Lab

The Cognitive Neuroscience Club (CNC) is open to all interested researchers and students. We meet about every two weeks to discuss our own (planned) studies, methods and general papers, new results, concepts, and analysis strategies for fMRI and other neurocognitive methods.
The CNC is especially suited for people who already work on a neurocognitive project or who specifically plan to work on such a project. There is no restriction with respect to seniority: we are a crowd of BA, MA, PhD students, postdocs, and professors.
PhD students officially enrolled in the CNC (university course number 298.920) can receive 2 ECTS credits for their doctoral programme and all others can receive 2 ECTS credits for their optional elective course (Freies Wahlfach). The main requirement is to hold one presentation during the semester.
Theoretical knowledge of neurocognitive methods is expected and practical experience with one or more methods is advantageous.
Dates and places will be posted in  this google calendar. There is also a page on  facebook.
If you want to be added to the e-mail list please contact Fabio Richlan.

Click here for the Cognitive Neuroscience Glossary!

During the winter semester 2015/16 the CNC will take place about every two weeks on Thursdays, 5:00-6:30 pm in Besprechungsraum 2!

Future meetings:

12.11.2015: Lorenzo Vignali
26.11.2015: Matthias Tholen
10.12.2015: Kathrin Bothe
14.01.2016: Berry Maletzky
04.02.2016: Michael Huemer

Past meetings:

25.06.2015: Sarah Schuster: Words in context: The effects of length, frequency and predictability on brain responses during natural reading
28.05.2015: Julian Wenzel: Lexicality effects in left ventral occipito-temporal cortex: Are they task dependent?
07.05.2015: Michael Huemer: False belief and mental files
23.04.2015: Philipp Fuchs: Diurnal sleep improves the memory consolidation of a complex motor sequence learning task of high future relevance
26.03.2015: Fabio Richlan:
Network hubs in the human brain.van den Heuvel MP, Sporns O.Trends Cogn Sci. 2013 Dec;17(12):683-96. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2013.09.012. Review.
12.03.2015: Fabio Richlan:
Willems RM, Van der Haegen L, Fisher SE, Francks C. 2014. On the other hand: including left-handers in cognitive neuroscience and neurogenetics. Nat Rev Neurosci. 15(3):193-201. doi: 10.1038/nrn3679
29.01.2015: Anna Martin: Reading in the brain of children and adults: a meta-analysis of 40 functional magnetic resonance imaging studes.
15.01.2015: Philipp Schwartenbeck: Information signalling in the dopaminergic midbrain.
18.12.2014: Lorenzo Vignali: Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravitational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials.
04.12.2014: Excursion to PMU: Gaen Plancher: Episodic memory in aging: studies in virtual reality
20.11.2014: Kevin Butz: The insula as a hub in dyscognitive seizures: a case series.
06.11.2014: Lisa Mayrhauser: Visual perspective fMRI study
23.10.2014: Philipp Fuchs: Increased sleep quality and memory consolidation by inducing sleep spindles using TES
09.10.2014: Fabio Richlan: Introduction
26.06.2014: Matthias Tholen: Function-structure mapping of brain activation in the TPJ
05.06.2014: Dmitrij Agroskin: Avoiding death by avoiding cultural otherness: Neural evidence for a mediational role of avoidance motivation in mortality salience effects on cultural closed-mindedness
08.05.2014: Luca Ronconi: Shaping the pre-stimulus brain state with auditory entrainment improves the temporal allocation of attention
03.04.2014: Fabio Richlan:
[Yeo BT, Krienen FM, Sepulcre J, Sabuncu MR, Lashkari D, Hollinshead M, Roffman JL, Smoller JW, Zollei L, Polimeni JR, Fischl B, Liu H, Buckner RL. (2011). The organization of the human cerebral cortex estimated by intrinsic functional connectivity. J Neurophysiol 106:1125-1165.]
20.03.2014: Fabio Richlan:
[Yarkoni T, Poldrack RA, Nichols TE, Van Essen DC, Wager TD. (2011). Nat Methods 8:665-670.]
06.03.2014: Fabio Richlan
30.01.2014: Zoe Woodhead:
[Woodhead ZV, Penny W, Barnes GR, Crewes H, Wise RJ, Price CJ, Leff AP. (2013). Reading therapy strengthens top-down connectivity in patients with pure alexia. Brain 136:2579-2591.]
16.01.2014: Sarah Schuster: Linear mixed models
[Chen G, Saad ZS, Britton JC, Pine DS, Cox RW. (2013). Linear mixed-effects modeling approach to FMRI group analysis. Neuroimage 73:176-190.]
19.12.2013: Lorenzo Vignali: Independent Component Analysis applied to EEG data
For ICA in fMRI see [Beckmann CF. (2012). Modelling with independent components. Neuroimage 62:891-901.]
05.12.2013: Philipp Ludersdorfer: An fMRI investigation of lexical and sublexical spelling
21.11.2013: Robin Litt: What drives left vOT underactivation in dyslexia?
07.11.2013: Philipp Schwartenbeck: Multiple comparisons and region of interest analysis in fMRI
17.10.2013: Malgorzata Wislowska:
[Button KS, Ioannidis JP, Mokrysz C, Nosek BA, Flint J, Robinson ES, Munafò MR. (2013). Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience. Nat Rev Neurosci. 14:365-376.]
10.10.2013: Fabio Richlan: Introduction to the new semester, aims and scope of the CNC, wishes and suggestions for topics, etc.
20.06.2013: Matthias Schurz:
[Santiesteban I, Banissy MJ, Catmur C, Bird G. (2012). Enhancing social ability by stimulating right temporoparietal junction. Curr Biol. 22:2274-2277.]
23.05.2013: Philipp Ludersdorfer:
[Anticevic A, Cole MW, Murray JD, Corlett PR, Wang XJ, Krystal JH. (2012). The role of default network deactivation in cognition and disease. Trends Cogn Sci. 16:584-592.]
25.04.2013: Benjamin Gagl: Interactions of orthographic and phonological representations in the visual word form area
21.03.2013: Melanie Tschernegg: Abnormalities in functional brain networks in pathological gamblers: graph-theoretical approach
07.03.2013: Fabio Richlan: Introduction to the new semester
18.12.2012: Melanie Wegerer: Conditioned-intrusion paradigm reveals functional relationship between fear extinction and aversive recollection
[Danker JF, Anderson JR. (2010). The ghosts of brain states past: remembering reactivates the brain regions engaged during encoding. Psychol Bull. 136:87-102.]
27.11.2012: Florian Hutzler: Reverse inference is not a fallacy per se: Cognitive processes can be inferred from functional imaging data
[Poldrack RA. (2006). Can cognitive processes be inferred from neuroimaging data? Trends Cogn Sci. 10:59-63.]
30.10.2012: Sarah Schuster: Stimulus matching
16.10.2012: Martin Kronbichler: Localization of activation and ROI analyses (continued)
[Dienes Z. (2011). Bayesian versus orthodox statistics: which side are you on? Perspect Psychol Sci. 6:274-290.]
[Friston K. (2012). Ten ironic rules for non-statistical reviewers. Neuroimage 61:1300-1310.]
[Haueis P. (2012). The fuzzy brain. Vagueness and mapping connectivity of the human cerebral cortex. Front Neuroanat. 6:37.]
[Poldrack RA. (2007). Region of interest analysis for fMRI. Soc Cogn Affect Neurosci. 2:67-70.]
[Wagenmakers EJ, Wetzels R, Borsboom D, van der Maas HL. (2011). Why psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: the case of psi: comment on Bem (2011). J Pers Soc Psychol. 100:426-432.]
[Wagenmakers EJ, Wetzels R, Borsboom D, van der Maas HL. (2011). Yes, psychologists must change the way they analyze their data: clarifications for Bem, Utts, and Johnson (2011).]
02.10.2012: Martin Kronbichler: Localization of activation
[Devlin JT, Poldrack RA. (2007). In praise of tedious anatomy. Neuroimage 37:1033-1041.]
18.09.2012: Melanie Tschernegg: Neural circuits underlying reward anticipation and reward outcome
12.09.2012: Eugenia Kulakova: An fMRI investigation of counterfactual and hypothetical sentence processing
03.09.2012: Fabio Richlan: Fixation-related fMRI analysis in thedomain of reading research: Using self-paced eye movements as markers for hemodynamic brain responses during visual letter string processing
21.08.2012: Lisa Mayrhauser: Covert attention shifts in response to gaze direction cues
07.08.2012: Philipp Ludersdorfer: The neural substrate of spelling: A dual-route approach
24.07.2012: Philipp Schwartenbeck: Effects of lexicality, attentional-modulation and the presentation-time on visual word recognition in the visual word form area
10.07.2012: First meeting