Mona Röhm


Mona Röhm is a Research Assistant and Ph.D. Fellow at the Department of Political Science and Sociology at the University of Salzburg. She completed her MA in Social and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Vienna in 2016 with her thesis on the normativity of monogamy. From 2017-2018 she was as a research associate at the Institute of Urban and Regional Research, Austrian Academy of Sciences engaged in two projects, both focusing on Afghans in Austria and their challenges to gain a foothold and find their way in a new society. In this period, she was also a lecturer for qualitative research methods at the University of Vienna. In her dissertation project “Intimacy in Negotiation – A Case Study on the Mobility of Intimate Ideas” she focuses on the interconnectedness of life experiences, migration, and belonging and its impact on the negotiation of norms and perceptions of intimacies. She is a Member of the PLUS Doctorate School “On the move: People, objects, signs” and of MML – The Salzburg Migration & Mobility Research Lab


Most relevant activities

  • Ongoing PhD Project: “Intimacy in Negotiation – A Case Study on the Mobility of Intimate Ideas”
  • Röhm, Mona (26/11/2020) Intimacies beyond Europe. Talk at: Webinar Series: Decolonising Families and Relationships, Families & Relationships Study Group
  • Röhm, Mona (2020) Bringing Intimacies into the Discussion: On the relevance of addressing intimate relationships in a migration context. In: On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture (9).
  • Project Organization »Forms of Love 4.0: Solo, Mono, Poly & more? An interdisciplinary project as impulse workshop «, Long Night of Research, University of Salzburg (2018)
  • Röhm, Mona (2016) Why Monogamy? Discussing a norm from an idealistic and individual perspective, 5th International Conference on the Future of Monogamy and Nonmonogamy. Berkeley
  • Röhm, Mona (2016) Spielregeln der monogamen Paarbeziehung – eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit einer Norm/The Rules of Monogamous Relationships – Reflections on a Norm. University of Vienna: Master Thesis
  • Röhm, Mona (2015) Rules of the game in monogamous relationships – reflections on an ideal, 1st Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies Conference, Lisbon

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