Kevin White
Assoziiertes Mitglied / Ostsyrisches Christentum in Zentralasien
Kazakhstan Academy of Science
28 Shevchenko St, Almaty
Tel.: +7 701-757-9132
Kevin White
Kevin White is a Research Fellow and Central Asia representative for the Zentrum zur Erforschung des Christlichen Ostens of the University of Salzburg. His research focus is Religions on the Silk Road and Syriac Christianity in Central Asia during late antiquity and early medieval era. Living in Kazakhstan since 1999, Kevin was Head of the Department of Nestorian Studies at the Kazakhstan National Academy of Sciences (2017 – 2022). In 2019, the Department of Nestorian Studies co-hosted the 6th Salzburg International Conference “Syriac Christianity in China and Central Asia” in Almaty, Kazakhstan. (Nestorianstudies.org)