Selected Downloadable Books, Papers and Presentations

[Three consecutive sections: a. books; b. papers; c. presentations. Please scroll]

Citation data:

a. Books

2012 Symmetry breaking in syntax. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.

2010, The Syntax of German, Cambridge University Press.

b. Papers

2019 (in press) VO/OV-base ordering. In: Richard Page & Michael T. Putnam (eds.) Cambridge Handbook of Germanic Linguistics (chapter 16). Cambridge University Press. Online ISBN: 9781108378291

2018 (submitted) A typology of head positions within a phrase and its syntactic correlates.

2018 (submitted) Grammatical rules are discrete, not weighted, and not vulnerable.

2018 (submitted) Haider H. & Luka Szucsich. Slavic languages – „SVO“ languages without SVO qualities?

2018 (submitted) On expletive, semantically void, and absent subjects. Topic-volume of Linguistische Berichte, edited by P. Herbeck, B. Pöll, and A. Wolfsgruber.

2018 (submitted) On Minimalist theorizing and scientific ideology in grammar theory.

2018 (submitted) The Left-Left Constraint – a structural constraint on adjuncts. Ulrike Freywald & Horst Simon (eds.) „Headedness and/or Grammatical Anarchy?“  Berlin: Language Science Press.

2018 (submitted). An anthropic principle in lieu of „Universal Grammar“.

2018 Sprachen mit RESULTATIV interpretierbaren Adjektiven – Vorhersagbar? Elisabeth Leiss & Sonja Zeman (eds.) Grammatik der Zukunft – Zukunft der Grammatik. 165-189. Tübingen: Stauffenburg.

2018 Grammatiktheorien im Vintage-Look – Viel Ideologie, wenig Ertrag. In: Wöllstein, Angelika / Gallmann, Peter / Habermann, Mechthild / Krifka, Manfred (eds.) Grammatiktheorie und Empirie in der germanistischen Linguistik. 47-92. Berlin: De Gruyter.

2017 H.H. & Christina Schörghofer-Essl & Karin Seethaler. Quantifying kids prefer intersecting sets – a pilot study. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 36(1): 31–50.

2017. In the absence of a subject. In Clemens Mayr & Edwin Williams (eds.) wiener linguistische gazette 82: 87-98. (Festschrift für Martin Prinzhorn Wien: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft).


Keywords: resultative adjectives, complex predicates, small clauses, verb framing.

2015 On the comparative syntax of OV-languages. In: Hiroki Egashira & Hisatsugu Kitahara & Kazuo Nakazawa & Tadao Nomura & Masayuki Oishi & Akira Saizen & Motoko Suzuki (eds.) In untiring pursuit of better alternatives.Tokyo: Kaitakusha (開拓社).

2014 Profiling SOV – Syntactic correlates of head-final phrases
Keywords: SVO, SOV; syntactic directionality parameter; scrambling, subject expletive, superiority, verb cluster, directionality, adjunction, Greenberg, edge effect, compactness, verb auxiliary order; BBC, LCA, word order typology.

The VO-OV split of Germanic languages – a T3 & V2 production
(Paper based on the presentation at the 2012 Berkeley Germanic Round table). 2014. Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 19(1):  57-79.

2014 Don’t copy & paste in syntax.
Keywords: Minimalist program, counterevidence; German; copy theory of syntactic movement; copy, merge, deletion, reconstruction, idiom chunks, wh-movement copy construction, split DP, VP topicalization; backward control Chomsky (1995).

2014 Control does not involve movement – Pretty clear evidence from German.
Keywords: Minimalist program, German, empirically inadequate, counterevidence, split antecedent, control by movement, backward control, opaque domain for movement; sideward movement; Hornstein 2001, Chomsky 1995.

2014 Scientific ideology and scientific conduct – Metaphors one lives by in the Minimalist Program1
Keywords: Minimalist program, transderivational constraints, feature deletion, feature movement, backward control, copy theory of movement, numeration, merge, counterevidence, wrong predictions; Lakatos 1978, Chomsky 1995.

2014-07: Head directionality – in syntax and morphology. (submitted to) Antonio Fábregas, Jaume Mateu, Mike Putnam eds. The Handbook of Parameters (Bloomsbury Academic).
Keywords: Directionality parameter, directionality of head, directionality of structure, syntactic asymmetry, SVO, SOV; LCA, BBC, Greenberg, verb raising, verb cluster, scrambling, superiority, edge effect, Slavic, Dutch, German, Romance, word order typology.

2014 Mittelfeld phenomena: Scrambling in Germanic. In: Henk van Riemsdijk & Martin Everaert (eds.): The Syntax Companion. Oxford: Blackwell. (Case #70). [This is the revised & updated version of H. Haider (2002): Mittelfeld Phenomena.Case #54].
Keywords: Scrambling, verb raising, clause union, word order, adjunction, Germanic, German, Dutch, Scandinavian, object shift, pronoun order, superiority, verb cluster, third construction, infinitival complements.

2013 Errors aren’t failures: on the need of INFORMED error analysis for efficient language instruction. (Submitted to): M. Gartmeier, H. Gruber, T. Hascher, H. Heid (eds.) Funktionen von Fehlern im Kontext individueller und gesellschaftlicher Entwicklung. Münster: Waxmann.
Keywords: Professionalizing language teacher education; linguistics and education; language learning, error analysis, procedural learning, L2, L3 acquisition, critical periods, sensitive periods. 

2013 (in press): ´Intelligent design´ of grammars – a result of cognitive evolution. In: Adli, Aria & García García, Marco & Kaufmann, Göz (Eds.): System, Usage, and Society. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Luka Szucsich & Hubert Haider (in press). Freie Wortstellung in slavischen Sprachen und die VO/OV-Unterscheidung. Linguistische Beiträge zur Slavistik (Akten des XXI. JungslavistInnen-Treffen). München: Otto Sagner. (Specimina Philologiae Slavicae).

Haider, Hubert & Luka Szucsich (in press). Scrambling and V-positioning in Slavic languages – exceptionally VO or regular T3? In: Roland Hinterhölzl, K. Bentzen, A. Speyer & L. Szucsich (eds.) The German Middle Field in a comparative and diachronic perspective. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Type III – theoretical and typological modelling – an invitation to empirical assessment. (This paper is based on parts of a grant proposal submitted in April 2012) 

2012. Cognitive evolution – Why language systems are society-based and usage-friendly adaptations of robust, autonomous, structural systems. Submitted to: Adli, Aria & García García, Marco & Kaufmann, Göz (Eds.) (in prep.): System, Usage, and Society. Berlin/New York: de Gruyter.

This is the draft version of Haider (2013), which has been significantly revised into: ´Intelligent design of grammars´ (see above).

Grammatische Illusionen Lokal wohlgeformt – global deviant (Grammatical illusions – locally wellformed, globally deviant). 2011. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft 30: 223-257. 

Anomalies and Exceptions. 2011 in Horst J. Simon & Heike Wiese (eds.) Expecting the unexpected. Exceptions in Grammar. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. (p. 325-334).

Submitted (2011) to Linguistic Inquiry 
for ‘Remarks & Replies´ (acceptance denied) 
How to not complicate a plain escape strategy, and why. A reply to Andrea Moro’s (2011) Clause structure folding idea.

Mehr (Psycho-)Linguistik in die Ausbildung von Sprachenlehrer(innen) ! – eine Bring- und Holschuld. 2010 in: David Newby, Michaela Rückl, Barbara Hinger (eds.): Mehrsprachigkeit: Herausforderung für Wissenschaft und Unterricht. Forschung, Entwicklung und Praxis im Dialog. Wien: Praesens Verlag (p. 163-188).

Wie wurde Deutsch OV? Zur diachronen Dynamik eines Strukturparameters der germanischen Sprachen. 2010 in: Ziegler, Arne (ed.). Historische Textgrammatik und Historische Syntax des Deutschen – Traditionen, Innovationen, Perspektiven. Berlin: De Gruyter (p. 11-32).

2009. Roehm, Dietmar & Haider, Hubert. Small is beautiful. The processing of the left periphery in German. Lingua 119: 1501-1522.

The thin line between facts and fiction. 2009 in: Featherston, Sam & Winkler, Susanne (eds.). The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics. Volume 1: Process. Berlin: de Gruyter. (p. 75-102).

As a matter of facts – comments on Featherston´s sticks and carrots. 2007. theoretical Linguistics 33.3: 381-394.

2005. How to Turn German into Icelandic – and derive the OV-VO Contrasts. In: The Journal of the Comparative Germanic Linguistics 8:1-53.

2004. Pre- and Postverbial Adverbals in OV and VO.In: Lingua 114 (6): 779 – 807 (vol. on Adverbials, ed. by A. Alexiadou).

2004. The Superiority Conspiracy – Four Constraints and a Processing Effect.In: A. Stepanow, G. Fanselow & R. Vogel (Hg.): The Minimal Link Condition. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 147 – 175.

2003. Hubert Haider & Inger Rosengren: Scrambling: Nontriggered Chain Formation in OV Languages. In: Journal of Germanic Linguistics 15,3: 203 – 267.

2003. V-Clustering and Clause Union – Causes and Effects. (References) In: Pieter Seuren & Gerard Kempen (eds.): Verb Constructions in German and Dutch. – Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 91 – 126.

2001. Why are there no Complex Head-Initial Compounds ? In: Ch. Schaner-Wolles & J. Rennison & F. Neubart (eds.): Naturally!. – Torino: Rosenberg & Sellier, pp. 165 – 174.

2001. How to Stay Accusative in Insular Germanic. In: Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 68: 1 – 14.

2000. Adverb Placement – Convergence of Structure and Licensing. In: Theoretical Linguistics 26: 95 – 134.

2000. OV is more basic Than VO. In: P. Svenonius (ed.): The Derivation of VO and OV. – Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 45 – 67.

2000. The License to License. In: E. Reuland (ed.): Argument & Case: Explaining Burzio´s Generalization. – Amsterdam: Benjamins, pp. 31 – 54.

1997. Precedence Among Predicates. In: The Journal of Comparative Germanic Linguistics 1: 3 – 41.

1997. Projective Economy – On the minimal functional structure of the German clause. In: Abraham W. and E. Van Elderen (eds.): Linguistische Arbeiten. German: Syntactic Problems – Problematic Syntax.  – Niemeyer, Tübingen, 
pp. 83-103.

Haider, Hubert. 1992.  Branching and Discharge. Working Papers of the SFB 340, #23. Univ. Stuttgart. [2000 in Peter Coopmans & Martin Everaert & Jane Grimshaw eds. Lexical specification and insertion. Amsterdam: Benjamins (p. 135-164)]

Topicalization and other puzzles of German syntax. 1990 In: G. Grewendorf & W.Sternefeld eds. Scrambling and Barriers. Amsterdam: Benjamins (p. 93-112).

Matching projections. 1989 In: A.Cardinaletti & G.Cinque & G.Giusti eds. Constituent Structure. Dordrecht: Foris (p.101-121).

c. Presentations

„Erlaubt ist, was grammatisch nicht verboten ist – Towards a null theory of Scrambling“ Gastvortrag am FoLL-Projekt „Scrambling, Prosodie und Quantifikation“, Seminar für Deutsche Philologie, Univ. Göttingen, 13. 2. 2019.

Ways of structuring in syntax. Guest lecture at the Séminaire de Recherche en Linguistique, Département de Linguistique, Univ. de Genève.  Nov. 27, 2018.

„Endstation SVO? – Warum viele Sprachen zu SVO-Sprachen wurden und viele angebliche ‘SVO‘-Sprachen keine sind.“
Vortrag am Institut für deutsche Sprache und Linguistik, Humboldt Universität, Berlin. 13.2.18

„Mehr als nur 189 Sprachen ohne Platz in der Syntaxtheorie“
Vortrag am Leibniz-Zentrum für allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin. 12.2.18

Weder Komplement noch Specifier – Kopfloser Nexus bei Adjunkten?
Vortrag bei Tagung zu „Köpfigkeit und/oder grammatische Anarchie?“ 11.–13. Mai 2017, FU-Berlin.

The subject is the subject – How to get rid of it grammatically. Talk at the Workshop on Impersonality and Correlated Phenomena – Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives, University of Salzburg, November 10th – 11th, 2016.

“It’s economy, stupid!” —Zum ökonomischeren Umgang mit einem unverstandenen Konzept in der Grammatiktheorie.   Invited Speaker: GGS Leipzig, 20.-22-Oktober 2016.

Hauptvortrag bei der Tagung: Was weiß die Linguistik über Sprachenlernen – was braucht die Schule? – Forschungsbasierte Fortbildung für Sprachlehrpersonen in Österreich. 14. Oktober 2016, 10:30 – 16:45, Universität Salzburg.

Invited speaker at the IGRA-Workshop on replicative processes in language. Universität Leipzig, 8./9.7.2016
Titel:  Do not copy & paste! No replications in syntactic derivations.

Presentation at the Colloquium for Werner Abraham: The future of grammar – The grammar of the future (München, Feb 13-14, 2016): Sprachen mit resultativ interpretierbaren Adjektiven – Vorhersagbar?

Zwischen Spekulieren und Prädizieren – Grammatikforschung & Grammatikbeschreibung auf dem Sprung vom 19. in das 21. Jahrhundert. Presentation at the Workshop Ars Grammatica: Grammatiktheorie und Grammatikographie. IdS Mannheim, June 17-19, 2015.

SOV vs. SVO: Structural, theoretical, and field-linguistic perspectives.
Annual DGfS conference, March 5th,.2015, Univ. Leipzig. (W. Bisang, Univ. Mainz & G.Fanselow, Univ. Potsdam & H. Haider)

Wieviele  Sprachen passen in ein menschliches Hirn – from polyglot to hyper-polyglot
Lecture at the Univ. of Salzburg, March 11, 2015.

Guest lecture at the Univ. of Stuttgart (Jan 13th, 2015)
Control does not involve movement.

Typology – 50 years after Greenberg (1963). Talk at the 7th Austrian Students’ Conference of Linguistics. Salzburg, Nov. 22, 2014.

Villa Salmi Summit on Microvariation. Arezzo, May 23-24, 2014. Microvariation as a facilitator of a diachronic type split.

Presentation at the Conference on Ideology in Grammar, April 11th-12th 2014, Univ. Salzburg.
Scientific ideology in grammar theory – When metaphors are mistaken for ontologies. 

Kognitionswissenschaft und Schulalltag – Präsentation am 12.12. 2013. Fortbildungsworkshop für das Europäische Sprachenportfolio für die Grundschule.

In linguistics, theories come and go, …

Talk given at: ÖSKL 2013 – 6. Österreichische Studierendenkonferenz der Linguistik, Vienna Dec. 1st 2013 ( )

Subjects of finite clauses may be missing for various independent reasons. Presented at the 40th Annual Austrian Linguistics Conference, Salzburg, 24th Nov. 2013.
Key words: null subject parameter, pro drop, topic drop, pronoun zap, expletive subjects.

Is the adaptive design of human grammars a result of cognitive evolution? Univ. of Pavia Meeting on: Can there be a „Hilbert’s List“ for Syntax?   Pavia, Nov. 9th, 2013.

In linguistics, theories come and go, but facts are in short supply.
Presentation at CECIL’s III, PPC-University, Hungary, August 22, 2013.

Was unterscheidet Lehramtsausbildung und Aspirin? – Aspirin wirkt! On the scandalous lack of evidence-based approaches in academic teacher education.“
Presentation in the lecture series of the linguistic department of the University of Salzburg „An invitation to linguistics“. June 12, 2013.

2013 – L.I.P. Bicentennial, Univ. Potsdam: Im Abstand von 20 Jahren [On Darwin, Wundt, Delbrück and other god fathers of grammar theory].

Sprachliche Hochbegabung – (Psycho-/Neuro-) Linguistische Aspekte.
Vortrag beim BBF-Workshop zu ´Sprachliche Hochbegabung´ am Zentrum für Sprachlehrforschung der Univ. Salzburg, 21.2.2013.

Extraposition – das widerspenstige Wesen.
Gastvortrag an der Univ. Frankfurt, 5.2.2013

„Unzureichende Sprachkompetenz bei Schuleintritt? –  Was tun?“ Symposium „Integration & Bildung“ des österreichischen Integrationsfonds. Wien, 11. -12. 9. 2012

Vortrag an der Univ. Marburg, 11.5.2012
„Es gibt mehr als nur ´OV´ und ´VO´ – Über den unbemerkten dritten Typ“

The Germanic OV/VO bifurcation – a V2 + Type-III production. Presentation at the 2012 Berkeley Germanic Round Table (invited).

Zum Verhältnis von IS und syntaktischer Struktur. DGfS-Jahrestagung, Frankfurt 2012, AG 15: Information Structure and its Role in Non-Typical Environments.

Presentation at the workshop
System, Usage, and Society. Univ. Freiburg ; Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies. Nov. 11.-12., 2011 : „Cognitive evolution: Why language systems are society-based and usage-friendly adaptations„.

Von OV zu VO und zurück -Infinitiv-Nominalisierungen als Testgelände.
Gastvortrag, Sprachwissenschaftliches Institut der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 14.Juli, 2011. 

Habe nun ach Französistik/Hispanistik/ Italianistik durchaus studiert mit heißem Bemühn; da steh ich nun, … und soll unterrichten. Einige Anmerkungen in sprachvergleichender und psycholinguistischer Perspektive (Vortrag am 21.6.2011, FB Romanistik, Univ. Salzburg). 

On the German middle field as an OV phenomenon – a comparative and diachronic persepective. 
Annual Meeting of the DGfS, 2011, Univ. Göttingen, AG 8.

Grammatica Universalis – (R)Evolution einer Idee.
Symposium on Philosophy of Language and Universal Grammar.
LMU München, LIPP doctoral programm. Dec. 3rd., 2010.

Presentation at the 11th Science of Aphasia (SoA) Conference 2010, Potsdam 
Session 1: The biolinguistics program (Saturday August 28th, 2010)
What is between ´Bio´ and ´Linguistics´?

Grammatische Illusionen – Realitäten bei der Verarbeitung. (Präsentation) Vortrag Univ. Stuttgart, 9. Juni 2010.

Linguistics – postmodern frippery or primordial cognitive science. Presentation at the „Visions for Linguistics“ workshop, Univ. Konstanz, Schloss Freudental, Nov. 20-22, 2009.