Presentations, Workshops, talks
- Quantifying And Estimating Asymmetric Dependence, at the 10th International Workshop on Simulation and Statistics, September 02-06 2019, Salzburg, Austria (Trutschnig)
- Quantifying asymmetric dependence with the R-package qad, at the Symposium: Ecology — Geomorphology — Statistics, March 28-29 2019, Salzburg, Austria (Trutschnig: keynote speaker)
- Inference for data with multiple endpoints: general strategies and recent developments. March 21, 2019, DAGStat, München. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- To rank or to bootstrap? Non- and semiparametric approaches to inference for multivariate data. January14,2019,Universität Wien. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Quantifying (Niche or Distribution) Overlap: New Concepts and Applications. July 9, 2018, International Biostatistics Workshop, East China Normal University, Shanghai (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Fixed, Random, and Mixed Models. Summer School of the German and the Austro-Swiss Regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR and IBS-ROeS) and of Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft (ÖSG). July 4-6, 2018, Strobl am Wolfgangsee. (Bathke, Zimmermann: organization)
- Rank-based and Resampling-based Inference Methods for Data with Multiple Endpoints. June 11, 2018, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Inference in a General Multivariate Analysis of Covariance Model Using a Model-Free Bootstrap Technique. June 11, 2018, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno. (Zimmermann: invited speaker)
- A Fast and Robust Way to Estimate Overlap of Niches, and Draw Inference. June 11, 2018, 4th Conference of the International Society for Nonparametric Statistics, Salerno. (Parkinson: invited speaker)
- Aspekte industrieller Umweltprobleme. Was kann die Wissenschaft zur Lösung von Umweltproblemen beitragen? May 18, 2018, Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: co-organizer)
- Sample Size Calculation for Analysis of Covariance Models with Muliple Random Covariates. March 28th, 2018, 64. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt. (Zimmermann: talk)
- A Fast and Robust Way to Estimate Overlap of Niches, and Draw Inference. March 27th, 2018, 64. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Frankfurt. (Bathke: talk)
- New non- and semiparametric methods for the comparison of samples with multiple endpoints. November 30, 2017, Medizinische Universität Graz. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Big Data – Problem or Solution? October 21st, 2017, Fachhochschule Puch-Urstein. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Non- and semiparametric inference methods for data with multiple endpoints. August 31st, 2017, CEN ISBS, Wien. (Bathke: talk)
- Fallzahlplanung. Summer School of the German and the Austro-Swiss Regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR and IBS-ROeS) and of Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft (ÖSG). July 5-7, 2017, Strobl am Wolfgangsee. (Bathke, Zimmermann: organization)
- Complete dependence everywhere? at the Workshop on Copulas and Their Applications celebrating the 75th birthday of Roger B. Nelsen, July 03-05, 2017, Almería, Spain (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- How do you build a statistical model for real data – and draw valid conclusions? June 23, 2017, Workshop Evidence, Uncertainty, and Decision Making with a Particular Emphasis on Climate Science, Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Big Data – Problemlösung oder -ursache? (in German) June 22nd, 2017, Ringvorlesung Digitale Gesellschaft, Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Finding the needle in the haystack: Can multivariate and multiple inference methods help? May 17, 2017, Spring Research Conference, Rutgers University, NJ. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Complete dependence everywhere? Vienna University of Technology, May 08 2017, Vienna, Austria (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Data Scientists – Goldgräber des 21.~Jahrhunderts. (in German). February 1st, 2017, Schüleruni, Universit{\“a}t Salzburg. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- SCI-TReCS Research Conference. October 27th, 2016, Paracelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität, Salzburg. (Zimmermann: poster, Posterpreis für „Inference for small-samples in ANOVA and ANCOVA models“)
- Salzburg Workshop on Dependence Models and Copulas, September 19-22 2016, Salzburg, Austria (Trutschnig: organization)
- Three copula-based optimization problems and an excursion, at the CMStatistics 2016 December 09-11 2016, Seville, Spain (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Dependence models and copulas I-IV at the CMStatistics 2016, December 09-11 2016, Seville, Spain (Trutschnig: Co-organizer and chair)
- Some results on two-dimensional extreme-value copulas (Schreyer: invited speaker)
- On sharp inequalities between Kendall’s tau and Spearman’s rho, at the CMStatistics 2015, December 12 2015, London, UK (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Data Analysis with Dependence Models at the SMPS 2016, September 12-14 2016, Rome, Italy (Trutschnig: co-organizer)
- Detecting global and local signals using multivariate and multiple inference. December 11th, 2016, ERCIM 2016, University of Sevilla. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Salzburg Statistics Festival 2016. Recent Advances and Innovative Applications of Nonparametric and Multivariate Methods. July 13-15, 2016, Salzburg (Bathke: organization and session chair; Happ, Zimmermann: session chairs)
- Gruppensequentielle und adaptive Studiendesigns. Summer School of the German and the Austro-Swiss Regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR and IBS-ROeS) and of Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft (ÖSG).
June 29 – July 1, 2016, Strobl am Wolfgangsee. (Bathke: organization) - Synthesizing Information and Making Local Conclusions.April 13th, 2016, Fusion Learning and BFF, Rutgers University, New Jersey. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Multivariate Inference, Ranks, Resampling, and the Brain. March 17th, 2016, DAGStat, Göttingen. (Bathke: talk)
- Life expectancy in adult epilepsy patients: A surprising outcome. March 17th, 2016, 13. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Neurologie, Innsbruck. (Zimmermann: poster and talk)
- Comparing life expectancies between a patient cohort and a reference population.March 16th, 2016, DAGStat, Göttingen. (Zimmermann: talk)
- Inference for low- and high dimensional multi-group repeated measures designs with unequal covariance matrices. March 15th, 2016, DAGStat, Göttingen. (Happ: invited speaker)
- Producing reproducible results with big data — multivariate inference, multiple hypotheses, and trying to make sense of data. February 26th, 2016, Workshop on Cellular Adaptation in Health and Pathology, Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: keynote speaker)
- Non- and semiparametric ways to infer from multivariate data. Asymptotics, and approximations. December 12th, 2015, ERCIM 2015, University of London. (Bathke: talk)
- Eine Extraktionsmethode für EEG Marker aus der Power Spectral Density. 2015. 23-24 October 2015, 28th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Alzheimer Society, Linz, Austria.
(Langthaler: talk) - ÖSG-Statistiktage 2015. 21.10.2015-23.10.2015, Vienna. (Bathke, Trutschnig: organisation and session chairs)
- Effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of non-painful phantom sensation with spinal cord lesions. 2015, Spinal Cord Injury Tissue and Regeneration Center Salzburg Summit 2015, Salzburg. (Langthaler: poster)
- 20rTMS of the prefrontal cortex has analgesic effect on neuropathic pain in subjects with spinal cord injury. 2015, Spinal Cord Injury Tissue and Regeneration Center Salzburg Summit 2015, Salzburg. (Langthaler, poster)
This entry won 3rd prize in the conference poster competition. - Postictal testing of memory functions and its relation to lateralization of epileptic foci. 2015. 9th Annual Meeting of the German and Austrian Societies of Epileptology and the Swiss League against Epilepsy, Dresden, Deutschland. (Langthaler: poster)
- SeExtract the essentials by combining robust multivariate inference with strong error control. September 22, 2015, Eighth International Workshop on Simulation, BoKu University of Life Sciences, Wien. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Multivariate Fragestellungen – MANOVA. July 9, 2015, Summer School of the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR). Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg. (Bathke: keynote speaker)
- Mehrstichprobendesigns – Rank-Based ANOVA. July 8, 2015, Summer School of the German Region of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR). Wissenschaftszentrum Schloss Reisensburg. (Bathke: keynote speaker)
- Analyse von Ereigniszeiten. Summer School of the German and the Austro-Swiss Regions of the International Biometric Society (IBS-DR and IBS-ROeS) and of Österreichische Statistische Gesellschaft (ÖSG). July 1-3, 2015, Strobl am Wolfgangsee. (Bathke: organizer)
- Trying to make sense of multivariate data samples using different inferential methods. May 4, 2015, Biometrisches Kolloquium, Medizinische Universität Wien. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Semi- and nonparametric models – can they help in making sense of multivariate data samples? April 28, 2015, Alpen Adria Universität, Klagenfurt. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Nonparametric and robust ways to make sense of multivariate data samples. April 9, 2015, International Conference on Robust Rank-Based and Nonparametric Methods, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Using R and some new inference methods to make sense of multivariate data.March 18, 2015, International Conference on Statistics, Jimma University, Ethiopia. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Inference for multivariate data that isn’t normal. January 19, 2015, Kolloquium der Medizinischen Biometrie, Informatik und Epidemiologie, Heidelberg. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- ERCIM 2014 – 7th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics. 06.12.2014-08.12.2014, Pisa. (Bathke:talk)
- Some remarks on singular components of copulas, at the ERCIM 2014, December 06 2014, Pisa, Italy (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Analyse multivariater Daten, aber ohne Normalverteilung – geht das überhaupt? November 25, 2014, Berliner Kolloquium Statistische Methoden in der empirischen Forschung, Berlin. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Reproduzierbare Forschung oder Wie ziehen Statistiker Schlüsse aus Daten? November17, 2014,Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: talk)
- Viewing copulas as special Markov kernels – some consequences, IFAS Seminar, November 06 2014, Linz, Austria(Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Statistische Aspekte multimodaler Daten (EEG und SPECT) in der Demenzforschung. October 23, 2014, Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Alzheimer-Gesellschaft, Villach. (Langthaler: poster and talk)
- Inference for multivariate data, but without many assumptions – an oxymoron? October 16, 2014, Workshop Multivariate Inference, Deutsche Region International Biometric Society, Düsseldorf. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI. 30.06.2014-04.07.2014, Bilbao. (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Making Sense of Multivariate Data. March 13, 2014, 60. Biometrisches Kolloquium der Deutschen Region der Internationalen Biometrischen Gesellschaft, Bremen. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Inferenz für multivariate Daten, aber ohne Normalverteilung – geht das? January 28, 2014, Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Forschungsseminar, Universität Salzburg. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- 6th International Conference of the ERCIM WG on Computational and Methodological Statistics (ERCIM 2013). 14.12.2013-16.12.2013, London. (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- R – Einführung und mehr. 06.12.2013, Salzburg. (Bathke,Trutschnig: keynote-speaker)
- ÖSG-Statistiktage 2013. 23.10.2013-25.10.2013, Vienna. (Bathke: organisation)
- Inference for Multivariate Data Without Assuming Normality. September 26, 2013, International Conference on Simultaneous Inference 2013, Hannover. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Conference: Risk Management Reloaded. 09.09.2013-13.09.2013, München. (Trutschnig: invited speaker)
- Inference for Multivariate Samples. May 8th, 2013, Universität Innsbruck. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- MANOVA – but Nonparametrically. April 25th, 2013, Universität Linz. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- DAGStat 2013. 18.03.2013-23.03.2013, Freiburg (Bathke: talk)
- Multivariate Tests in Faktoriellen Designs. Workshop Resampling, Deutsche Region International Biometric Society. 06.12.2012-07.12.2012, Düsseldorf (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Nonparametric Inference for Multivariate Data. September 20th, 2012, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung, Saarbrücken. (Bathke: invited speaker)
- Nonparametric Methods for Multivariate Data and Repeated Measures Designs. November 4th, 2011, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo. (Bathke: invited speaker)