ACBN Newsletter #1 available
2020-12-09 · The first ACBN Newsletter will include here information about recent developments, highlights from the research performed in ACBN, introductions to new groups and faculty members, and other items. In this edition you will find:
- a final report on the doctoral school ICA, which is after 12 years now drawing to a close
- news about the movements of our groups from the Billrothstrasse to the NaWi (a seemingly endless project that is now close to its finish) and
- an introduction to the group of Angela Risch, which some of you may not know yet.
Citation: Albert Duschl, Christian G. Huber, Gernot Posselt, Hans Brandstetter, & Angela Risch. (2021). ACBN Newsletter #1 Oct-Dec 2020. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4680740
ACBN endorses the MANIFESTO FOR EU COVID-19 RESEARCH of the European Union
2020-10-01 · This manifesto aims at maximizing the accessibility of research results in the fight against COVID-19 ( further details).
Open PhD position
2020-09-22 · The group of molecular immunology and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (MSCA-ITN) project “DIRNANO – Directing the immune response through designed nanomaterials” offers an Early Stage Researcher (PhD Student) position within the doctoral program Medical Biology. Applications should be submitted until 20 November 2020 to Jutta Horejs-Höck. Further information is available here.
Gabriele Gadermaier and Fatima Ferreira appointed as Associate Editors of Frontiers in Allergy
2020-09-01 · Gabriele Gadermaier and Fatima Ferreira have been appointed Associate Editors of the Allergens section in Frontiers in Allergy.
ACBN retreat at Edmundsburg
2020-02-25 · ACBN PIs, researchers and invited guests met for a 2-day retreat at the University’s Edmundsburg building from 24 to 25 February 2020 for talks and discussions. This meeting was part of a process of strategy finding that the centre is performing since 2019. The goal is to develop a strategy for future activities, including research topics, structured cooperation with third parties and infrastructure needs. The strategy should be implemented 2021/22.
Merck Dissertation Award for Christof Regl

2020-01-24 · Christof Regl, senior scientist at the Bioanalytical Research Labs, Department of Biosciences, received the Merck Dissertation Award for his PhD thesis entitled Quantification and Site Specific Assignment of Post-Translational Modifications in Monoclonal Antibodies. Congratulations!
Fatima Ferreira elected Reporter of the FWF
2020-01-01 · Fatima Ferreira has been elected Reporter for the FWF Board, period 2020-2023, Scientific discipline “Biochemistry and Structural Biology”.
Fatima Ferreira elected Member of the Christian Doppler Research Association Scientific Board
2020-01-01 · Fatima Ferreira has been elected a Member of the Christian Doppler Research Association Scientific Board 2020-22.
International Science Award of the Kulturfonds Salzburg awarded to Fritz Aberger
2019-11-25 · Fritz Aberger, head of the department of biosciences and principal investigator of the molecular cancer & stem cell research group, was awarded the International Science Award of the Kulturfonds Salzburg, endowed with a prize money of 10.000 EUR, for his internationally renowned research on the development of cancer therapies. The award ceremony was hosted by Salzburg’s deputy mayor Bernhard Auinger and took place on 25 November.
EAACI explains vaccination
2019-10-17 · To vaccinate or not to vaccinate? This question raises a great deal of discussion. To find out what a group of international scientists and experts of the immune system have to say about it, take a look at the short and informative animated video of the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. For additional content on vaccination and more, visit this page.
2019-10-06 · Helen Strandt, PhD Student, has been awarded for Best Talk at the 16th International Workshop on Langerhans Cells, which took place in Mainz/Budenheim from 3 to 6 October 2019. Helen presented research data on Antigen expression in Langerhans cells prevents allergic sensitization and lung inflammation (abstract see here).
12th International Particle Toxicology Conference
2019-09-16 · The 12th International Particle Toxicology Conference (IPTC) was hosted this year at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, with Albert Duschl as Head of the Organizing Committee. This meeting series brings together experts in all areas of particle toxicology – from engineered nanoparticles to volcanic fly ash – to discuss developments of the field. The 11th IPTC took place 2016 in Singapore, the 13th IPTC is planned for 2022 in Santa Fe. We are proud that we could welcome around 140 colleagues from all over the world to the Salzburg edition of this prestigious meeting series!
The conference covered basic research issues, but had a strong focus on applications of particle toxicology, which are in work place safety, environmental safety, consumer safety, medical and diagnostic developments and other fields. A focus of the Salzburg meeting were the challenges to translate knowledge derived from particle safety research into regulation and legislation, which is now a main issue in the field. The first IPTC in Austria has contributed to developing solutions for the benefit of workers, consumers, patients and environment.
For more information, see
New publication
2019-07-29 · Iris Gratz, member of the ACBN focus program of the University of Salzburg, and colleagues have discovered a population of human immune cells in the blood that appear to have everything in common with infection-fighting T cells isolated from the skin. The findings were published in the journal Science Immunology and were featured on the July cover of the journal.
The work challenges current thinking that skin-resident memory T cells are strictly retained in the skin. Iris Gratz and her team, in partnership with Daniel Campbell at the Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason (BRI), and scientists at the University of Pennsylvania and other research institutions, demonstrated that tissue-resident memory T cells can exit skin tissue, enter the blood and circulate throughout the body. These T cells can then relocate into skin at other locations of the body.
By studying these T cells in more detail, Gratz and colleagues found that the migration of the T cells likely plays a role in the healing of skin wounds and the ability to recognize and protect against infection. “Once these cells have battled an infectious agent at one site on the skin, they may be able to recognize and fend off infection at other sites and in subsequent encounters,” the researcher said. The discovery of tissue-resident memory in the circulation of healthy individuals greatly facilitates the isolation and study of cutaneous memory T cells from a broadly available human tissue, the blood.
Announcement of ICA Symposium, February 2019
2018-11-28 · The upcoming ICA Symposium is scheduled for the 4th and 5th of February 2019. It will be organized as a joint symposium between the Doctoral College ICA and the Doctorate School DSP Biomolecules. Please register here for the Symposium as soon as possible, giving titles for presentations when applicable. Registration needs to be finished by January 3rd, 2019. Faculty members please also register, of course you do not need to give details for presentations.
Dr. Lorenz Aglas receives Ursula and Fritz Melcher Dissertationspreis 2018
2018-10-15 · Dr. Lorenz Aglas, senior scientist of the working group of Prof. Fatima Ferreira (Department of Life Sciences), receives this year’s “Ursula and Fritz Melcher Dissertationspreis 2018” of the Austrian Society for Allergology and Immunology (ÖGAI) due to the excellent scientific results of his doctoral thesis. Congratulations!
DSPB retreat
2018-07-04 · The fellows have meetings with members of our advisory board and – as full-day retreat – with a colleague from the pharmaceutical industry. The topic of discussion is in both cases how to proceed with career building after the PhD is finished. We note with some satisfaction that still all alumni (by now 6) have decent jobs. The DSP seeks to establish a tradition here!
New DSPB speaker
2018-06-01 · Michael Waller leaves the University and Albert Duschl becomes the new speaker, with Chiara Cabrele as deputy.
Status of the DSPB
2017-12-31 · The DSP has at the end of the year 12 fellows and 4 alumni. Of note, all of the alumni have decent jobs!
DSPB Kickoff
2016-10-18 · Work of DSP BioM starts with a Kickoff-Meeting. Our guest of honor is Prof. Dr. Klement Tockner, the President of the FWF.
DSBP application submitted
2016-05-18 · The application for the DSP Biomolecules – Structure Function and Regulation is submitted to the Rectorate by 19 PIs, under the leadership of Michael Wallner.