Centre for Gastrosophy

Picture of meadow with trees in background

Since January 2009 the interdisciplinary Centre for Gastrosophy at the University of Salzburg researches the complex topics concerning food and nutrition.
The selection of food and the way we are consuming it defines our personal lifestyle. Gastrosphy centres on how to live a joyful life. Science, economy, and politics, thus theory and praxis, work closely together. The common goal is a prosperous life. They agree: The quality of our nutrition defines our quality of living. Prof. Lothar Kolmer, founder of the Centre for Gastrosophy, states: “We want to participate in an implementation of an ideal of a ‘good life’. Gastrosophy contributes to a conscious, responsible, and pleasurable handling of foodstuff.”
Further information about Gastrosophy may be found on our  official homepage.