An International Network Unlike Any Other: The Copernicus Master in Digital Earth (CDE)
UNI Life
Interested in Geoinformatics? Want to study Geoinformatics while abroad and also meet new people from exciting backgrounds? Then the Copernicus Master in Digital Earth might be the perfect program for you!

Is civil society involved in the EU’s trade policy? The case of CETA.
The European Commission is sometimes caricatured as an “unelected Brussel’s bureaucracy” that is not interested in involving civil society in its thirst for power. In reality, things are quite different, even if the Commission does play a key role in EU external relations.

Are you interested in geoinformatics and geoinformation systems? You could imagine yourself in taking a Master’s degree in Digital Earth abroad?
Read more about the experiences of a student who is currently taking part in the Copernicus Master’s program in Salzburg!

A very English Christmas: a top 10
Christmas is one of – if not THE – biggest and most important occasion of the year in England. If you are curious to know how the Brits like to celebrate a festivity like this, find here a list of the 10 best things about Christmas in England, the most magical time of the year.

Influence of regions in Europe on the European Union
In the seminar “Europe beyond Brussels”, students are taking a closer look at the influence of European regions on EU decisions. This time, students talked to Prof. Dr. Franz Schausberger. He was governor (Landeshauptmann) of the Land Salzburg between 1996 and 2004. He also co-founded the Institute of the Regions of Europe in Salzburg and represents Salzburg at the European Committee of the Regions in Brussels.