PLUS-Standort Itzling

Nanoimaging for innovative materials

Nanoimaging for innovative materials 

An international research team, including PLUS researchers, has used X-ray nanotomography to discover how tiny, self-organised structures work together. This nanoimaging technique could help to produce materials for lighting and electronics applications that have a uniform and improved structure over long distances. Read more IN THE NEWS

Studierende | Gruppe | Unipark | Handy

Personal enrolment

Personal enrolment 

At the PLUS we see studying not only as education, and as preparation not only for a career, but also for life. At our university, both research and science are conducted at the highest level. This offers our students a variety of opportunities to learn, network and acquire valuable skills – and all this in inspiring surroundings. Schedule an appointment online for your personal enrolment! Information can be found ON THE WEBSITE

Junge Frau schaut auf Laptop



Well informed into the 1st semester! Have you just enrolled? Then it’s time to put together your timetable and register for courses. Take a look at our tutorials on the Blackboard learning platform and win free entry and a private table for PLUSlive – your start-of-studies party. Start your studies with PLUSorientiert

Unipark Haupteingang

Master’s degree programmes

Master’s degree programmes  

The PLUS – the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg – offers numerous Master‘s degree programmes. 35% are taught in English. Read more IN THE NEWS

UNIPARK | Dachterrasse | Studierende | Lernräume

Common areas for students

Common areas for students 

All six faculties of PLUS have consumption-free common areas. Here students can exchange ideas, study together and consume food and drinks that they have brought with them. Read more ON THE WEBSITE

Innenansicht Stiegenhaus Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät bei Sonnenuntergang

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg  

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) is the largest educational institution in Salzburg with almost 18,000 students and around 3,000 employees in research, teaching and administration. Read more in ABOUT THE PLUS

Survival Guide Studium – Studieren Recherchieren an der PLUS Gemeinsame Recherche zum Studienstart: – Wie ist dein Studienplan aufgebaut? – Wie melde ich mich für Lehrveranstaltungen an? – Welche Studienbeihilfen/Stipendien gibt es und was ist ein Leistungsnachweis? – Wie funktioniert PLUSonline und Blackboard?online14:00 o’clock
Salzburger Hochschulwochen Fragiles Vertrauen – Über eine kostbare RessourceUniversität Salzburg10:00 o’clock
Crossculture Religious Studies SummerSchool 2024 The SummerSchool 2024 of the Crossculture Religious Studies Project will be about “Religion, Violence and Peacebuilding”. It will take place from 29th July – 2nd August 2024 in Salzburg.HS 10310:00 o’clock
Portrait von Vasilis Markopoulos

“My time as an Erasmus+ CIVIS exchange student at the Paris Lodron Universitat of Salzburg has been an enriching academic odyssey. The kindness and support of both my professors and my peers eased my transition and transformed my uncertainties into opportunities for growth. Despite initial doubts about studying and living abroad for the first time, embarking on this journey was a leap of faith…!”

CIVIS | 2024 | 11 partners

CIVIS is a European Civic University formed by the alliance of 11 leading research higher education institutions across Europe. CIVIS aims to create a truly unique European interuniversity campus where students, academics, researchers and staff will move and collaborate as freely as within their institution of origin. We will develop a deep level of European integration, involving joint learning pathways, development of complementary research facilities and diverse degree pathways.

Tourist man sightseeing Stockholm city enjoying view traveling lifestyle summer vacations in Sweden

The PLUS offers many study abroad scholarships that can help you to pursue a stay abroad. The International Relations Department will gladly provide you with all the necessary information on its many university partnerships, exemption from tuition fees, financing options, and the organization of your semester abroad as part of your studies.