Doliops similis Cerambycidae of Orchid Island Taiwan | © Dash Huang

How Beetles Use Color to Outsmart Predators

How Beetles Use Color to Outsmart Predators 

A new study published in Current Biology not only advances understanding of mimicry systems but also offers new insights into how island biogeography influences species evolution. Read more in the CURRENT PLUS DOSSIER

GW Fakultät | Rudolfskai 42

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg 

The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) is the largest educational institution in Salzburg with almost 18,000 students and around 3,000 employees in research, teaching and administration. Read more in ABOUT THE PLUS

Unipark Haupteingang

Master’s degree programmes

Master’s degree programmes  

The PLUS – the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg – offers numerous Master‘s degree programmes. 35% are taught in English. Read more IN THE NEWS

Internationale Studierende an der PLUS

130 nations study at the PLUS

130 nations study at the PLUS 

The PLUS is more international than ever. The average proportion of international students at Austrian higher education institutions is already high at around 25-27%, but at the PLUS it is more than 36% of the student body. Read more IN THE NEWS

Studierende | Lernraum RWW

Common areas for students

Common areas for students 

All six faculties of PLUS have consumption-free common areas. Here students can exchange ideas, study together and consume food and drinks that they have brought with them. Read more ON THE WEBSITE

Praxisdialog “Umsetzungspraxis und -probleme von Pillar II“ Es referieren aus einer unternehmerischen Inside-Perspektive: * Dr. Katharina Maier, LLM.oec., Wienerberger Österreich GmbH „Der (lange) Weg zum qualifying income/loss – Praktische Fragen aus der Perspektive der Rechnungslegung und funktionsübergreifender Projektansatz“ * Mag. Christina Reichart, Vice President Tax Group, OMV AG „Die Abenteuer des Implementierungsdschungels: wenn die Theorie auf die Steuerpraxis trifft und stolpert” HS 10117:00 o’clock
Higher Bible Criticism – Higher Antisemitism? Vortrag im Rahmen des Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellowships Higher Bible Criticism – Higher Antisemitism? A Historical and Contemporary Examination In a pivotal speech in 1902, the famous Jewish scholar Solomon Schechter articulated his belief that Higher Bible Criticism was not merely a scholarly endeavor but a tool that could fuel antisemitism. Higher Criticism as a scientific method for the study of the Hebrew Bible had originated in Germany around 1900, and was mostly practiced by Protestant scholars. The name most associated with Higher Criticism is Julius Wellhausen. His famous work Prolegomena to the History of Israel (orig.: Prolegomena zur Geschichte Israels, 1905) is indeed laced with supersessionist and openly anti-Jewish remarks. Other (progressive) Jewish scholars of the so-called Wissenschaft des Judentums, such as Benno Jacob, also objected to Higher Criticism as they felt that the Christians had “stolen the Bible” from the Jews, and offered alternative reading methods. In this paper these developments are discussed, and it is investigated what its repercussions are for Biblical Studies by Jews and Christians today. HS 10617:00 o’clock
FOKUS Fadenpuppe – Wink des Göttlichen, Garant unseres Menschseins oder animierter Müll? Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sabine Coelsch-Foisner im Gespräch mit dem künstlerischen Leiter Philippe Brunner, dem Regisseur Thomas Reichert, dem Philosophen Dr. Aloysius Ventham und dem Philosophen und Psychotherapeuten Univ.-Prof. Dr. Emmanuel J. Bauer anlässlich des 1. Festivals des Salzburger Marionettentheaters 24.-27.10.2024 zu seinem 111-jährigen BestehenSalzburg (Austria)19:00 o’clock
Portrait von Vasilis Markopoulos

“My time as an Erasmus+ CIVIS exchange student at the Paris Lodron Universitat of Salzburg has been an enriching academic odyssey. The kindness and support of both my professors and my peers eased my transition and transformed my uncertainties into opportunities for growth. Despite initial doubts about studying and living abroad for the first time, embarking on this journey was a leap of faith…!”

You're in my hands now

24 October 2024 | in presence: Claudia Bernhard-Kessler BA, MSc from the Care Advisory Service of the Province of Salzburg provides an initial overview of the services offered by the government, the province, insurance providers and other organisations such as the Red Cross and Hilfswerk as well as voluntary activities. In her input, she sheds light on various topics such as care at home, long-term and short-term care, mobility and financing.

Tourist man sightseeing Stockholm city enjoying view traveling lifestyle summer vacations in Sweden

The PLUS offers many study abroad scholarships that can help you to pursue a stay abroad. The International Relations Department will gladly provide you with all the necessary information on its many university partnerships, exemption from tuition fees, financing options, and the organization of your semester abroad as part of your studies.