Thomas Berger

Thomas Berger
Asst.-Prof. Dr.
Jakob-Haringer-Strasse 2a, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-6221
From the solid-vacuum interface to the working electrode – Charged semiconductor oxides in different environments
REsearch team
- Assoc. Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger
- MSc Juan Miguel Jiménez Morales
- MSc Karin Rettenmaier
Research areas
Electrochemistry of semiconductor oxide films, photoinduced processes in metal oxide particles and mesoporous films, surface and interface properties of metal oxide particle powders and dispersions, spectroscopy of point defects, Bio/Nano interactions.
Selected publications
- The Electrochemistry of Nanostructured Titanium Dioxide Electrodes, T. Berger, D. Monllor-Satoca, M. Jankulovska, T. Lana-Villarreal, R. Gómez ChemPhysChem 2012, 13, 2824-2875.
- Traps and Interfaces in Photocatalysis: Model Studies on TiO2 Particle Systems, T. Berger and O. Diwald in Photocatalysis Fundamentals and Perspectives, edited by J. Schneider, D. Bahnemann et al., RSC Energy & Environment Series 2016, 14, 185-215.
- Defects in Oxide Particle Systems, T. Berger and O. Diwald, in Defects on Oxide Surfaces edited by J. Jupille, G. Thornton, Springer Series on Surface Science, 2015, 58, 273-301.
- Defects in porous networks of WO3 particle aggregates, A. Marquez, M.J. Rodriguez-Perez, J. A. Anta, G. Rodriguez-Gattorno, G. R. Bourret, G. Oskam, T. Berger, ChemElectroChem, 2016, 3, 658
- Modification of Charge Trapping at Particle/Particle Interfaces by Electrochemical Hydrogen Doping of Nanocrystalline TiO2, J. M. Jimenez, G. R. Bourret, T. Berger, K. P. McKenna, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2016, 138, 15956-15964
Austrian Science Fund (FWF): Stand Alone project P 28211 “From the solid-vacuum interface to the working electrode – Nature, reactivity and functionality of hydrogen-derived electron centers in semiconducting oxides”, 2015 – 2019.
- 2006/2007 Erwin Schrödinger Fellow of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
- 2009-2013 Ramón y Cajal Fellow of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Dissemination activities
19.11.2015: BeSt Science in Salzburg 2015 – The exhibition for work, training and education