As of 2024, the newsletter will no longer be continued in the traditional sense. You can find the latest news, publications and information from our Center on our NEWS Page and on LinkedIn.
ACBN Newsletter #7
2023-12-04 · The seventh ACBN Newsletter announces a major transition for our Center and introduces a new lab group:
• Founding and retired member Albert Duschl recalls some facets about the history of our Center and points out the new focus on tumor biology and immunology.
• We introduce Dirk Schmidt-Arras and his Tumour Immunology Group, who joined ACBN at the start of the year.
Citation: Duschl, A., & Schmidt-Arras, D. (2023). ACBN Newsletter #7 Jul-Dec 2023. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10199915
ACBN Newsletter #6
2023-05-10 · The sixth ACBN Newsletter will again include information about recent developments, highlights, introductions and other items. In this edition you will find:
• We introduce Nikolaus Fortelny and his group, which joined ACBN at the start of the year. They bring in exciting competence in computational systems biology.
• A feature on nanoparticles and allergy by Martin Himly. Is there a connection between the two topics? You bet.
• An especially interesting paper on extracellular vesicles from Melanie Schürz and others, group of Nicole Meisner-Kober.
Citation: Nikolaus Fortelny, Martin Himly, & Melanie Schürz (2023). ACBN Newsletter #6 Jan-Jun 2023. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo .7915867
ACBN Newsletter #5
2022-11-04 · The fifth ACBN Newsletter will again include information about recent developments, highlights, introductions and other items. In this edition you will find:
• FWF board decided to fund the ESPRIT fellowship application submitted by Giorgia Nasi
• Functional Studies on Extra-lysosomal Legumain: START Project # Y01469 by Elfriede Dall
• The Molecular Immunology Lab
Citation: Giorgia Nasi, Elfriede Dall, Jutta Horejs-Höck, Theresa Neuper, Michael Unger, Hieu-Hoa Dang, Renate Bauer, Alexandra Fux, Tobias Frauenlob, Rita Ribeiro, & Helene Sieberer (2022). ACBN Newsletter #5 Jul-Dec 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7278163
ACBN Newsletter #4
2022-07-04 · The fourth ACBN Newsletter will again include information about recent developments, highlights, introductions and other items. In this edition you will find:
• an excursion into our history
• an introduction of the Meisner-Kober lab: Extracellular vesicles and RNA drugs
• Scientific Moving Stories
Citation: Albert Duschl, Nicole Meisner-Kober, Vesna Stanojlovic, Marina Canadas-Ortega, & Angelika Lahnsteiner (2022). ACBN Newsletter #4 Jan-Jun 2022. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6787107
ACBN Newsletter #3
2021-11-04 · The third ACBN Newsletter will again include information about recent developments, highlights, introductions and other items. In this edition you will find:
• information concerning the Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Tools for Biosimilar Characterization
• a portrait of the group of Andreas Uhl and their research: Analysis of Biomedical Visual Data – Model-based vs. Data Driven Research
• a photo gallery: ACBN @ many (beautiful) places
• an overview concerning 400 years Paris Lodron University Salzburg
Citation: Albert Duschl, Christian Huber, & Andreas Uhl. (2021). ACBN Newsletter #3 Jul-Dec 2021. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5644671
ACBN Newsletter #2
2021-04-27 · The second ACBN Newsletter will include information about recent developments, highlights from the research performed in ACBN, introductions to new groups and faculty members, and other items. In this edition you will find:
• an update from Fritz Aberger, Head of the Department of Biological Sciences, on changes in the organization of the University that are relevant for us,
• an overview on particle and nano-sciences undertaken within ACBN both at the NaWi and in Itzling, as well as
• a portrait of the group of Iris Gratz and their research on immunity.
Citation: Fritz Aberger, Andrea Feinle, Nicola Huesing, Mark Geppert, Martin Himly, & Iris Gratz. (2021). ACBN Newsletter #2 Jan-Jun 2021. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4707396
ACBN Newsletter #1
2020-12-09 · The first ACBN Newsletter will include here information about recent developments, highlights from the research performed in ACBN, introductions to new groups and faculty members, and other items. In this edition you will find:
• a final report on the doctoral school ICA, which is after 12 years now drawing to a close
• news about the movements of our groups from the Billrothstrasse to the NaWi (a seemingly endless project that is now close to its finish) and
• an introduction to the group of Angela Risch, which some of you may not know yet.
Citation: Albert Duschl, Christian G. Huber, Gernot Posselt, Hans Brandstetter, & Angela Risch. (2021). ACBN Newsletter #1 Oct-Dec 2020. Zenodo. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4680740