
30.11. – Gastvortrag: Forschung im Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
Dr. Ingrid Kohl arbeitet als wissenschaftliche Assistentin im Wildnisgebiet Dürrenstein. Sie ist vor allem für das Wiederansiedlungsprojekt Habichtskauz, ein Raufußhuhnprojekt und den Aufbau eines Geografischen Informationssystems verantwortlich.
The Dürrenstein Wilderness Area (3,500 ha) is an IUCN Wilderness Area of Category I and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It contains the largest primeval forest remnant of The Alps: the Rothwald Primeval Forest, a 400 ha beech-fir-spruce primeval forest, that stayed untouched since the last ice age. The main tasks of the Wilderness Area Administration are research and education as well as the conservation of natural processes (process conservation). The remoteness, the topography as well as the snow cover until late spring impede the accessibility of the area. Nevertheless, for education and research a contingent as well as a spatial and temporal regimentation are a necessity to preserve the largest primeval forest remnant respectively the Wilderness Area. Important are the survey of the species inventory, monitoring as well as research of topics that can be studied exclusively within the Wilderness Area respectively within the Primeval Forest. Either lichens or mosses, fungi, insects, woodpeckers, owls, primeval trees or research of biocenoses in a unique mountain primeval forest ecosystem – there is a lot to research and learn.
Nach dem Seminar (ca. 16:00 Uhr), sind alle herzlich zu einem gemütlichen Zusammensitzen bei Getränken und Knabbereien in der „Kaffee-Ecke“ im 2. Stock eingeladen.

Dr. Jana Petermann

Associate Professor, AG-Leiterin

Universität Salzburg

Hellbrunnerstrasse 34

Tel: +43 (0)662 8044-5482

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