
NanoWeek in Limassol, Cyprus

2022-06-20 to 24 · Martin Himly from the Bio-Nano Group and Chair of the   EU NanoSafety Cluster Working Group A on Education, Training and Communication co-organizes the   NanoWeek in Limassol, Cyprus where >300 attendees, involved in the current EU projects on safety and sustainability of nano- and advanced materials, met for an entire week on presentations, discussions, trainings, pan-project interactions, collaboration within the   EU-US Communities of Research, etc. The PLUS team organized interactive training in Decision Support Systems for Safety-and-Sustainability-by-Design, Read Across, Development of OECD Test Guidelines, Adverse Outcome Pathways, and Quality Assurance for Research Data. The PLUS researchers Litty Johnson won the best oral presentation award of track 1 (human hazard) and Sabine Hofer (below the 2nd from left) won the first data FAIRification Award.