
© Hanna Kulenty, Foto: Krzysztof Zygmunt Andrzejewski

28.11.: W&K-Forum MUSIK UND MACHT: POLEN. Podiumsdiskussion mit Musik

The relatively young democracy Poland, whose political climate has intensified considerably since the last elections, is also moving increasingly to the fore. Politically critical leaders of representative cultural organisations have been and continue to be replaced by the new administration, while independent creative artists appear to be able to find niches so far or already live outside the country.

Veröffentlicht am 30 November 2018
© Karol Tymiński – Foto: Marta Ankiersztejn

27.11.: Workshop: CHOREOGRAPHING SOUND The Body as an Instrument and Visceral Soundtrack mit Karol Tymiński

The workshop aims to examine the musicality of the body and vice versa the corporeality of music from a choreographic perspective. This approach corresponds with the extension of the concept of music as well as the questioning of performance traditions in the context of New Music, which also puts a stronger emphasis on the body.

Veröffentlicht am 30 November 2018
DSP Get-together am 26.11. um 18 Uhr in der Edmundsburg

26.11.: DSP Get-together mit anschließendem Stammtisch

Am 26.11. um 18 Uhr findet im Europasaal der Edmundsburg ein DSP Get-together statt. Dazu wollen wir alle DissertantInnen der Universität Salzburg herzlich einladen.

Veröffentlicht am 30 November 2018