Dr. Lorenz Aglas
Projects and Funding


Current Projects

YearTypeProject Nr.Title
2021FWF/DACH I 5312„Determinants of Birch Pollen Allergenicity“, Project Leader: Lorenz Aglas
2021FWFP34207„Interaction Between Birch Pollen And Toll-Like Receptors“, Project Leader: Fatima Ferreira, PI: Lorenz Aglas
2021contract research„Characterization of allergens and endotoxin in plant-based Bioparticles“, Project Leader: Fatima Ferreira, PI: Lorenz Aglas
2021FFG Talente39784984Young talents projects for pupils in Allergy research funded by the FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Project Leader: Lorenz Aglas
2020FFG Talente35396196Young talents projects for pupils in Allergy research funded by the FFG-Austrian Research Promotion Agency, Project Leader: Lorenz Aglas
2019FWFP32189„Cytokine-mimetic peptides and particles for modulation of allergen-specific immune responses“, Project Leader: Fatima Ferreira, PI: Lorenz Aglas
2018FWF/ICAICAICA– Immunity in Cancer and Allergy „PhD program (Doktoratskolleg Plus) – University of Salzburg”, Project Leader: Christian Huber, PI: Fatima Ferreira and Lorenz Aglas
2014EU FPR-7601763„BM4SIT – An Innovative Causal Therapy for Allergy: Safe and Rapid Induction of an Anti-Inflammatory Immune Response using Mutant Hypo-allergen and Vitamin D3“; Project Leader: Fatima Ferreira, PI: Lorenz Aglas


Project Participations

2017-2019Scientific and Technological Cooperation with Poland (WTZ) funded by the Austrian Ministry of Science, Research and Economy
2015-2018Science without Borders, „Joint mobility project with the Federal University of Uberlandia, Brasil“, Project Leaders: Peter Briza, Fatima Ferreira
2015-2018FWF Single Project, „The interplay between tree pollen allergens and their sources“, Project Leader: Fatima Ferreira
2011-2015FWF Single Project, “Immunomodulatory Effects of Ligand-binding to Pollen Allergens“, Project Leader: Michael Wallner


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