


23rd – 27th September 2024, Salzburg Austria

Pangeo-DEUQUA 2024




Willkommen zur Pangeo-Deuqua 2024!

We are delighted to welcome this year’s joint Pangeo-DEUQUA conference to one of Austria’s most historic and attractive cities, Salzburg. This is the third time that Salzburg will host Pangeo; the two previous meetings having been held in 2002 and 2012. We hope that it will again bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars and practitioners  to exchange and share their experiences and research results on a range of aspects of earth science. 

The upcoming joint Pangeo-DEUQUA conference will take place on 23rd to 27th September 2024. It will be held at the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences of the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), Hellbrunner Str. 34, 5020 Salzburg. Under the heading “Converging Spheres”, this conference provides an open platform for presentation of research carried out at universities, other organizations and companies. 

This year the Pangeo meeting is being held jointly with the biennial German Quaternary Association (DEUQUA) meeting. The DEUQUA is the main Quaternary research society for Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and its meetings are alternatively held in these three countries. Its focus is on the Quaternary period, but DEUQUA meetings offer a broad forum on related topics including earth surface processes and climate change. As such, combining the two meetings will bring together people with some common interests and enable an exchange of ideas and allow for interdisciplinary discussions of topical issues. The conference will also provide an excellent opportunity to initiate or further the collaboration of geoscientists from Austria and its neighbours. The conference motto “Converging Spheres”, therefore, refers not only to the multi-sphere technical and scientific content, but also to the bringing together of a wide range of people with a common interest in earth sciences. 

We have put together a comprehensive program, which includes a range of excursions in and around Salzburg. On Monday 23rd September, there will be two full-day workshops specifically aimed at students and earth science teachers respectively. The conference itself will consist of two parallel programs: the DEUQUA meeting on Tuesday 24th to Thursday 26th September, will keep the classical session format where consecutive oral contributions will cover a range of topics (see below). The ‘Landesgeologen’ of Austria and ‘Landesämter’ of Germany will be organized in a joint session within this part of the program. In addition to the classical format of these DEUQUA sessions, there will be a new conference format, where individual sessions will be initiated by invited speakers who will provide a stimulus for discussion. These plenary sessions will be on Tuesday, 24thSeptember. On Wednesday, 25th September, 4 parallel, themed workshops will focus on poster and short oral presentations from the scientific community. The aim of these workshops is to encourage fruitful discussion.Workshop leaders will compile the main outputs of each workshop for presentation on Thursday 26th September to a wider audience.

Information on the programme, the schedule and  registration can be found also on the homepage

Pre-conference workshops (Monday 23rd September)

Students’ Workshop

Thermochron Workshop, 9 am – 6 pm, HS 435

Led by: Bjarne Friedrichs, Bianca Heberer, Nicolas Villamizar, Christoph von Hagke

Having established a new Thermochronometry Core Facility at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS), we invite you to gain insights into this evolving field through our one-day workshop on Low-Temperature Thermochronology for students and scientists eager to learn about Low-Temperature Thermochronology and possibly apply it in their own research.

  • Theoretical Introduction (Basics and Applications of Low-Temperature Thermochronology)
  • Sample Preparation (Crystal Selection and Documentation for (U-Th)/He Dating)
  • Lab Tour (Demonstration and Explanation of (U-Th)/He Analytical Routines)
  • Thermal History Modeling (Fundamentals and Exercises using Synthetic and Natural Data)

Language: English, free of charge, coffee breaks included

Teachers’ Workshop, 10 am – 5 pm, C 3.006
Why geology is needed in the classroom (in German)
Led by: Bernhard Hubmann

The workshop is aimed equally at biology and geography teachers from all school types and at colleagues from geological subjects who are interested in teaching earth science topics. The program consists of lectures, the opportunity to try out teaching materials yourself and, above all, sufficient time and space for discussion.

Geologie begreifen – digitale Lernspiele und analoge Modelle für den Geologie – Unterricht
Sylke Hilberg, Salzburg

Erdwissenschaften und Schulbücher
Clara-Louisa Unger, Graz

„Die unsichtbaren Schätze im Klassenzimmer“: Kritische Rohstoffe für eine nachhaltige und digitale Welt
Gabriel Nievoll, Brüssel

Young European GeoExplorer
Wolfgang Riedl & Oliver Gulas-Wöhri, St. Gallen

„Es sind die G´schichten, Herr Professor… “ – Erfahrungen und Erkenntnisse aus 22 Jahren Edelsteinkunde-Unterricht im Fachbereich „Schmuck Metall Design“ an der HTL Ortweinschule Graz.
Bernd Moser, Graz

Die Grazer Perspektive auf das Lehramtsstudium Biologie und Umweltkunde: wie sieht die Ausbildung aus und wie „ticken“ die Studierenden?
Bernhard Hubmann & Kurt Krenn, Graz

Abschluss: Diskussion zur bevorstehenden Ausbildungsreduktion der Lehramtsstudien

Participation in the teacher workshop is free of charge. Please select the appropriate option when registering at, language: German, coffee breaks included

Ice Breaker (Monday, 23rd September, 7 pm, Mensa)

We look forward to welcoming you to our Ice Breaker at 7 pm on Monday evening at the conference venue. The cost is included in the conference registration fee, and no extra registration is required.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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