Applied Ecology, Conservation Biology, Environmental Analysis

Lecturers: Andreas Tribsch, Andreas Maletzky,  Günther Nowotny, Ulrike Berninger and Jana Petermann
This course will take you to the field to learn and apply ecological knowledge to nature conservation problems. We will visit several protected areas (including one multi-day trip, for example to the  National Park Neusiedler See Seewinkel) and you will conduct small research projects based on your own ideas and questions related to conservation biology. Theoretical input (lectures, seminars) will include topics such as European and national conservation legislation, various conservation strategies, conflict potential with stakeholders and links between fundamental ecological theories and their application. Moreover, you will immerse yourself in the ecology and conservation aspects of special habitats visited during the course.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesBarrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesBarrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesBarrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
 Pictures: J. Petermann