
07.12. – Guest lecture: Ecosystems in Antarctica and in the Arctic of Canada

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes
Dr. Roman Türk was Head of the Research Group Ecology and Diversity of Plants at the University of Salzburg.
The Antarctic continent can be described as the coldest, highest, driest, windiest and most isolated landmass on Earth. The vegetation in Antarctica is, with the exception of the presence of two vascular plants in the Antarctic Peninsula dominated by lichens and bryophytes. Within Antarctica there are large gradients both in climate and in vegetation which offer opportunities to investigate links between the two. The terrestrial biodiversity in the Antarctica Peninsula and the decline in total terrestrial biodiversity with latitude is shown from Cape Hallett (72° S) to the southernmost site, the Queen Maud Mountains (84° S). Completely different are the climatic conditions in the Artic, where many higher plants and also lichens exist which are very similar to the flora in the Alps.

After the seminar (ca. 16:00 h), everybody is welcome to join us for drinks
and munchies in the „coffee corner on the second floor“.