
2022 Salzburg Conference in ​Interdisciplinary Poverty Research (SCIPR)

​Health & Poverty

Health and poverty are interrelated in both rich and poor countries: poverty increases exposure to health risks, challenges coping mechanisms, diminishes opportunities for prevention and healthy lifestyle; poverty also leads to a range of diseases and developmental disorders; poverty worsens people’s objective and subjective health status.In turn, people with health problems or disabilities are more likely to be or to fall poor and to suffer social exclusion that the rest of the population. ​


The Centre for Ethics and Poverty Research (CEPR) of the University of Salzburg is an interdisciplinary research institution with multiple integrations in national and international institutions and networks. It is dedicated to the research of poverty and social exclusion, in particluar in relation to questions of ethics and philosophy.

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Blick auf Salzburg durch Gitter

Dr. Elisabeth Kapferer

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Centre for Ethics and Poverty

Universitätsplatz 1 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 2571

Email to Dr. Elisabeth Kapferer

Photo: © Luigi Caputo