
PLUS-Standort Itzling | NLW | Materialwissenschaften

Nanoimaging: new method paves the way for innovative materials

An international research team, including PLUS researchers, has used X-ray nanotomography to discover how tiny, self-organised structures work together. This nanoimaging technique could help to produce materials for lighting and electronics applications that have a uniform and improved structure over long distances.

Published on 23 July 2024
Portrait von Vasilis Markopoulos

A glimpse at the experience of a CIVIS Erasmus+ student

“My time as an Erasmus+ CIVIS exchange student at the Paris Lodron Universitat of Salzburg has been an enriching academic odyssey. The kindness and support of both my professors and my peers eased my transition and transformed my uncertainties into opportunities for growth. Despite initial doubts about studying and living abroad for the first time, embarking on this journey was a leap of faith…!”

Published on 17 July 2024
Indien | Ganges

Earthquakes change river courses 

An international team of scientists including, PLUS geologist Christoph von Hagke, has discovered that around 2500 years ago, an earthquake abruptly changed the course of the Ganges (India). The natural event diverted the main channel of the Ganges in what is now Bangladesh, causing a so-called “river avulsion” that drastically changed the landscape of the time. An earthquake of a similar scale would be a catastrophe for the region today. The results will help us make more accurate predictions of natural hazards and their effects. The study has just been published in the journal Nature Communications. 

Published on 20 June 2024