
Awardees of the Publication of the Year 2023

We proudly announce the Awardees of the Publication of the Year 2023

1st Award: Wolfgang ESSER-SKALA & Rohit DNYANSAGAR

Wolfgang und Rohit2Prize: € 400.-

Wolfgang Esser-Skala and Rohit Dnyansagar are the recipients of the 1st “Publication of the Year 2023” Award for their publication “ Single-cell transcriptomics and epigenomics unravel the role of monocytes in neuroblastoma bone marrow metastasis” in the journal ‘Nature Communications’.


2nd Award: Ingrid HASENKOPF

Hasenkopf IngridPrize: € 200.-

Ingrid Hasenkopf is the recipient of the 2nd “Publication of the Year 2023” Award for her publication “ Computational prediction and experimental analysis of the nanoparticle-protein corona: showcasing an in vitro-in silico workflow providing FAIR data” in the journal ‘Nanotoday’.

3rd Award: Naiá SANTOS

Naia Santos2Prize: € 100.-

Naiá Santos is the recipient of the 3rd “Publication of the Year 2023” Award for her publication “ Phytocystatin 6 is a context-dependent, tight-binding inhibitor of Arabidopsis thaliana legumain isoform β” in the journal ‘The Plant Journal’.


POTY 2023

Photos: © W. Esser-Skala und R. Dnyansagar, I. Hasenkopf, N. Santos