
Einladung zum Gastvortrag

Vortragender: Ábel Elekes, MSc.
(Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Ungarn)
Datum: 23. Oktober 2015, 14:00 Uhr
Ort: HS T03, Fachbereich Computerwissenschaften,Jakob-Haringerstr. 2, 5020 Salzburg
My presentation is about compatible Euler-tours. In an Euleriangraph G Euler-tours in a set S are pairwise compatible, if each pairof adjacent edges is consecutive in at most one tour of S. First wedefine the required objects for compatibility, then I will present themain results and conjectures in this area. Among others weconsider a lower bound for the number of pairwise compatibleEuler-tours in an arbitrary Eulerian graph, a characterisation ofgraphs that contain exactly three compatible Euler-tours and thenwe analyze these questions w.r.t. Eulerian digraphs.
Host: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Robert Elsässer