
Contemporary Spirituality in South Korea

Forum Asia Pacific Research Colloquium Talk

Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Martin RÖTTING | Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Department of Systematic Theology

Wednesday, 6 March 2024 | 12:00 to 1:00 PM | Forum Asia Pacific, 3rd Floor. HS 888 | Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | Salzburg

Online Participation:  LINK
Meeting-ID: 324 883 496 774Pass Code: t2AuBx

The Koreans are a very religious productive nation with uncounted religions and spiritual groups founded since 1952. While the Kwanum Zen School (Seung Sahn) or the Unification Chruch (Moon in 1954) are known worldwide, others have had their impact mostly on the peninsula. How do Koreans navigate in this plural spiritual society and what impact does it have on their spiritualty? How does the history of Korea effect the development? Are there typicality’s to Korean Spirituality and Religions of today? How do interreligious dialogue movements effect the relations and how do traditional forms like Shamanism fit into the dynamic process?

Further information

  • For more information on Professor RÖTTING, please click on the following link.
  • Find out more about the event here.

RQ Prof. Rötting

Mag. Dragana Imbric

Consultant Forum Asia Pacific

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | International Relations Department

Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 3900

Email to Mag. Dragana Imbric

Photos: @ Schott Graham/Unsplash (Laptop) | @ Prof. Martin Rötting (person)