
from “ME” to “US” – opening up meeting spaces

…Let’s create meetings to facilitate successful interaction, to build up awareness and to recognize the uniqueness of each and everyone.Let’s learn from and with each other by talking, making music and playing games and let’s establish relationships.Let’s seize the opportunity of broadening our horizons and to enabling contact between different cultures…
Three theme-nights are being hosted:

  • Tuesday, 24. November 2015, 6 pm at the KHG-Clubraum:
    Face To Face …a meeting place, where young people get to know each other and can share their experiences…
  • Thursday, 17. December 2015, 6 pm at the KHG-Clubraum:
    Voice To Voice – …a meeting place, where music enables bonding and connects young people…
  • Wednesday, 20. January 2016, 6 pm at theKHG-Clubraum:
    Mind To Mind – …a meeting place, where young people can establish contacts easily by playing games…

Logo 'start your project'supportet by the Austrian ministery for family and youth: “Startet euer Projekt”

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Ursula Kaserbacher


Zentrum Theologie Interkulturell und Studium der Religionen

Universitätsplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 (0)662 / 8044 - 2654

Email to Ursula Kaserbacher