
Immunity in Allergy and Cancer, ICA

2nd – 3rd February 2022 | online

After more than one decade of research and PhD student mentoring, activities of the first Doctoral College of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg – „Immunity in Allergy and Cancer, ICA”  –  culminate in a final Progress Report Symposium.  

During its 13 years of operation, 68 PhD students were mentored in the ICA Doctoral College by 15 faculty members of PLUS and the associated Salzburg General Hospital. A budget of more than € 8 Million was well invested courses, research projects, the publication of more than 200 scientific papers, internships in labs of international collaboration partners, ICA symposia, and participations in international conferences or schools.

A recapitulation of past and current activities as well as presentations form renowned international guest speakers will be given in the “Final ICA Symposium” on February 2nd to February 3rd, 2022. A detailed program and access data for participation in the online sessions are provided in the attachment. We very cordially invite all colleagues and interested guests to join the program and gain an impression of the education and research performed in the ICA Doctoral College.  


Join from the meeting link:


Prof. Dr. Christian Huber

Bioanalytical Research Labs

Paris Lodron University Salzburg (PLUS) | Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology

Hellbrunnerstraße 34 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: Tel: +43 662 8044 5738

Email to Prof. Dr. Christian Huber

Photo: © Kolarik