
Jacqui Briggs-Prize for Nadice Zwiener-Collins

The article “Decolonising Quantitative Methods Pedagogy: Teaching Contemporary Politics to Challenge Hierarchies from Data” by Dr Nadine Zwiener-Collins and her three co-authors has won the Jacqui Briggs Award for the best paper in the ‘Teaching and Learning’ section of the journal Politics.

In the open access article, the authors highlight the need to decolonise quantitative methods teaching, that is, to critically assess, highlight and challenge the colonial legacy of quantitative methods, and to promote critical data literacy among students. In doing so, they address the possibilities and challenges of decolonial methods teaching, and illuminate them with concrete steps and examples.

Nadine Zwiener-Collins has been at PLUS since April 2021, holding a postdoctoral position funded by the province of Salzburg at the Chair of Politics and Gender, Diversity and Equality. In addition to her work on critical and feminist quantitative methodologies, she conducts research on women’s political behaviour and attitudes.


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Dr. Nadine Zwiener-Collins

Postdoctoral Researcher – Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Department of Political Science

Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 6612

Email to Dr. Nadine Zwiener-Collins

Photo: © Nadine Zwiener-Collins