
Language Center: Course Registration for PLUS and Mozarteum Students

Registration period 2: 19 September – 14 October 2022

The first registration phase has already started and the second one is following. From 19 September 2022, all language interested people can now register for courses at the Language Centre.

  • Registration Deadline 1: 12 September – 15 September 2022 for alumni, staff, external and MORE students
  • Registration Deadline 2: 19 September – 14 October 2022 for all language interested people (PLUS and MOZ students)

Dates for registration

Please note: You need an appointment to register for a language course.

Appointments for registration are given exclusively ONLINE on this page of the Language Centre. – Starting Wed, 14 September, 08:30 a.m., for students of PLUS and Mozarteum.Note: Staff, external students, alumni and MORE- students can also still register during this period.Please note that registering for an appointment does not constitute registration for a language course. Please allow sufficient time for consultation and registration. Phone registrations and email registrations cannot be accepted.

In addition, to prepare for your appointment, please refer to the information on course selection and placement.

Sprachenzentrum | Sprachkurs

Mag. Uta Glassner

Office Language Centre: Course Registration

Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Language Centre

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 2. Stock, Raum 2.441 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 4397

Email to Mag. Uta Glassner

Foto: © University of Salzburg. PLUS | AV-Studio