
Language Centre Course Programme for the Winter Semester 2024/25

The Language Centre is offering an attractive programme once again  in the coming winter semester with courses in 12 different languages and many special courses.  The course programme can be found on the Language Centre homepage under: Courses in the Winter semester 2024/25 and it is also available in printed form at the Language Centre or from the beginning of September at  various organizational units.

Information on registration can be found under Registration and consultation.

Courses in 12 languages

Language lovers (students and staff of the PLUS and the Mozarteum as well as external participants) can choose from an extensive range of 12 languages, including a wide range of Asian languages: Chinese Basic Level I and III, Japanese Basic Level I and III and Korean Basic Level I. The programme also includes various courses with a specific language focus such as “German Academic Language in Writing“, and the English courses “Academic Skills: Reading and Writing C1.1, “Academic Skills: Listening and Speaking C1.1“, „Business English Communication Skills B1“ and „Business English B2“.
There is also a multilingual language learning course: “Learn Romance languages through networking” and the course “Learning languages: individual and diverse”.

All courses are face-to-face courses; however, individual appointments may take place online.

Attractive extra programme

The Language Centre also offers an attractive extra programme, such as a tandem language learning exchange or the regular language get-together for multilingual exchange.

Language lovers will find materials for self-study – textbooks, practice materials, audio books and courses as well as many videos in various languages (to be found in the “media box”) In the library/media library of the Language Centre.

This semester we are  offering a language learning consultation again, which is integrated into the course “Learning languages: diverse and individual”. The course is aimed at anyone who is attending a language course at the Language Centre in the current semester and at the same time wants to improve their language skills independently. As part of the course, you can choose from various language learning options, exchange ideas with others and thus deepen your own interests and focus.

More information on our additional courses can be found on our website under “Services“.

Kurs am Sprachenzentrum

Mag. Uta Glassner

Office Language Centre: Course Registration

Paris Lodron University Salzburg | Language Centre

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 2. Stock, Raum 2.441 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 4397

Email to Mag. Uta Glassner

Photo: © Kay Müller | PLUS