
Die ehrenamtlichen Alumni Ambassadors für München. c Rothenburg

Alumni Chapter Munich Founded

In order to offer the graduates of the University of Salzburg in Munich an opportunity for networking and exchange, the Munich Chapter of the Alumni Club was founded on 12 October.

Published on 06 November 2018

Muscle Congress Full of Tension

The world’s most important Muscle Congress, the European Muscle Conference (EMC), took place in Budapest this year. Salzburg was represented at the conference by Stefan Galler, who dealt with the EMC Conference 2014 in Salzburg, and is now a member of the Scientific Committee in Budapest.

Published on 06 November 2018

30 October: First Digital Lecture: Lecture with Prof. Mitkov

Prof. Ruslan Mitkov, Professor of Natural Language Processing and Computational Linguistics at the University of Wolverhampton, UK, will hold a lecture on the topic of linguistic intelligence on Tuesday, 30 October, at 18:00 – Computer vs. Humans.

Published on 06 November 2018