
News Leonhardt

30.04.: Guest lecture: A matter of taste: (how) does food chemistry affect bee foraging and performance?

On April 30, Prof. Dr. Sara Diana Leonhardt will hold a talk on “A matter of taste: (how) does food chemistry affect bee foraging and performance?” The Department of Biosciences cordially invites all listeners!

Published on 27 April 2021
woman with face mask in the station

Compulsory testing for classroom teaching and examinations

The 2nd COVID-19 Higher Education Act states the requirement for compulsory testing at universities. The new regulation came into force on Monday, 26 April. Students without proof of a negative test will not be allowed to take part in courses or examinations held in attendance.

Published on 27 April 2021
Edmundsburg Uni Salzburg

Newly appointed professors at the PLUS

Introducing two newly appointed professors at the PLUS: Ariadna Ripoll Servent is a Professor of Politics at the Salzburg Center of European Union Studies and the Department of Political Science and Sociology. Anke Uhlenwinkel is a lecturer in geography and economics at the Department of Geography and Geology.

Published on 26 April 2021