

Dennis Meadows FUTURE LECTURE 2014 at the University of Salzburg

Why does nothing change? Effectively communicate sustainability.
Climate change and its negative consequences can no longer be denied. However, it seems as if the horror stories about environmental damage and drastic climate changes leave many people largely unaffected. But why is that? What is needed to accelerate the process of change?

Published on 09 February 2015
Bild: Universität Salzburg

Erika Weinzierl Price 2014 for Martina Feichtenschlager

The Center for Gender Studies and Gender Equality at the University of Salzburg awarded this year, for the seventh time, the Erika Weinzierl Award for the outstanding dissertation in the field of Women’s and Gender studies.

Published on 09 February 2015
Foto Klimaschutz

Unity for Climate Protection

Dr. Norbert Winding, Landeshauptmann-Stellvertreterin Dr. Astrid Rössler, Ing. Reinhard Wienmüller, Landesrat Dr. Josef Schwaiger, and Rector Dr. Heinrich Schmidinger are in strong unity for climate protection.

Published on 09 February 2015