
Niklas Seidl

13 June: Music Workshop: Dellen in Rhythmen schlagen. Verbeulen von Musik

Niklas Seidl (Musician, Cologne)
Wednesday, 13 June, 2018, 18:30-22: 00
Atelier at the KunstQuartier, Bergstraße 12, 5020.

Published on 20 June 2018

12 – 13 June, 2018: Raimon Panikkar Symposium Salzburg

At the Faculty of Catholic Theology of the University of Salzburg (Universitätsplatz 1, Salzburg), a symposium on “The Biographical Location of Interreligious Processes in the Life and Works of Raimon Panikkar (1918-2010) – a Centenary Symposium” will take place 12 – 13 June, 2018.

Published on 20 June 2018
Space Justin. DLR German Aerospace Center / Wikimedia commons

8 June – Capitalism 4.0: Digitization – Financial Capital – Alternatives

The digitization of the Economy and Industry 4.0 is on everyone’s lips. Capitalist society is changing and at the same time it remains capitalist. What’s new? How does the old live on in the new? How can we all shape technological developments to serve the good of society as a whole? The speakers address these questions from different perspectives.

Published on 20 June 2018