
Lisa Pointner

Publication of the Month August

We proudly announce the Awardee of the Publication of the Month August: Lisa POINTNER

Published on 02 September 2021
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph von Hagke Leiter AG Geologie und Mag. Dr. Thomas Rinder Projektmitarbeiter, AG Geologie.

Protecting the climate with geoengineering?

The use of finely ground basalt as mineral fertiliser on Austria’s agricultural land could absorb up to 2 per cent of the annual CO2 emissions, making an important contribution towards achieving the Paris climate targets. This was revealed in a new study by geoscientists at the University of Salzburg.

Published on 01 September 2021
Foto Coronaregeln

Language Centre: office hours in the winter semester 2021/22

You are welcome to contact us during our regular office hours. Further information on teaching and course organisation can also be found on the intranet of the Language Centre/the VPLUS:

Published on 01 September 2021