Stelzl Barbara Marx: Besatzungskinder in Austria
On 9 December, 2014, 19:00, Unipark Nonntal, Barbara Stelzl-Marx (Historian, Deputy Director of the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for War Impact Research) will speak on the topic of children of the Occupation in Austria: „Nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg kamen in Österreich tausende Besatzungskinder auf die Welt: als Folge von Liebesbeziehungen, kurzen Affären, „Überlebensprostitution“, aber auch nach Vergewaltigungen.”
Fourth Austrian Peptide Symposium
The fourth Austrian Peptide Symposium will be held on 04 December, 2014, in Salzburg (Library Auditorium, Hofstallgasse 2).
Presentation of the GOECH Förderpreises to Lorenz Stock
MSc Lorenz Stock was awarded the 2014 Austrian Society Chemists (GÖCh) Prize for his Master Thesis at the Department of Chemistry and Bioanalysis (FB Molecular Biology) with Assoz.-Prof. Hanno Stutz. The award ceremony took place on 6 November as part of a meeting at the Palais Festetics in Vienna.