
Bild des Eval-IC-Logos

Award for the EVAL-IC Project

The Erasmus + Project EVAL-IC was awarded the “Bonne pratique” (“Good practice”) label by the Erasmus +-Agentur. As part of EVAL-IC, 14 European institutions developed a competence and evaluation model for multilingual communication (intercomprehension). The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg was represented by Margareta Strasser and Christoph Hülsmann (Sprachenzentrum / Language Centre).

Published on 08 January 2020
Plakat Preisverleihung

New French Literary Award for Austrian students: Prix Goncourt de l’Autriche

On Thursday, 16 January, 2020, in the French Cultural Institute in Vienna, four students from the Department of Romance Studies, University of Salzburg, will take part as the literary jury in the first-ever presentation of the Austrian literary prize, Goncourt de l’Autriche; they will discuss the four French novels with students from four other Austrian universities (Graz, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt, Vienna) that made it int

Published on 08 January 2020