
Innenansicht Stiegenhaus und Lift Unipark

Virtual Tour Unipark

In the so-called “virtual 3D tour”, anyone can explore the Unipark building via smartphone, tablet or computer. Not only is it possible to look around in the virtual spaces, but additional information, links and videos have been placed at various “highlights” to provide users with a more detailed information.

Published on 19 July 2021
v.l.n.r. Martin Himly, Albert Duschl, Sabine Hofer, Norbert Hofstätter


Researchers at the PLUS have successfully identified aerosol transmission as an independent risk factor for severe course of disease.

Published on 08 July 2021
Foto: Scheinast

„Scudo“ at Unipark Nonntal

The Unipark Nonntal is another work of art richer: the immense bronze disc, called “Scudo” by the Italian artist Mimmo Paladino, has landed on our university grounds. Gallery owner Thaddaeus Ropac donated the sculpture to the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS).

Published on 30 June 2021