
Banner Pädagogische Werktagung 2018 zum Thema Kinderrechte

9 – 13 July: LIVING SPACES – 67th International Educational Work Meeting in Salzburg

Human life takes place in time, as well as in space. Spaces are considered the third educators and are often underestimated pedagogically. The lectures and working groups of the 67th International Educational Work Meeting, being held 9 -13 July, in Salzburg, will discuss this topic among others such as: in which living spaces do children grow up today? How do we deal with digital spaces? Which spaces are particularly relevant pedagogically? What about inner spaces, imaginations and fantasies?

Published on 16 July 2018
Foto: Scheinast

University of Salzburg Elected New Senate Chairman

The Senate of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg elected University Professor Florian Hutzler as its new Chairman at the meeting held 26 June, 2018. The former Senate Chairman University Professor, Rudolf Mosler, has resigned.

Published on 16 July 2018
Fotonachweis: BMBWF-Martin Lusser

Salzburger Theologian Receives State Award for Excellent Teaching

The Austrian State Prize for Excellent Teaching at Public Universities, Universities of Applied Sciences and Private Universities was awarded this year for the first time to a theologian: Ass. Prof. Dr. Martin Dürnberger from the Faculty of Fundamental Theology and Ecumenical Theology at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Salzburg received the “Ars Docendi” from the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research on Monday evening in Vienna.

Published on 16 July 2018