
Interview in Furche

April 2012: Klaus Nowotny has been interviewed by the Furche on the impact of the labor market liberalization on Austrian labor market outcomes. The interview in German can be downloaded

Interview (Part 1)

Interview (Part 2)

Published on 17 May 2013

Paper discussed in Gulf News

June 2011: The paper “Distance matters in away games: Evidence from the German football league” (Oberhofer, Philippovich and Winner) has been discussed in Gulf News.

View article

Published on 17 May 2013

25. April 2013

Ökumenisches Gebet für den Frieden in Syrien

im Beisein von Erzbischof Dr. Alois Kothgasser SDB

17.00 Uhr, Byzantinisches Gebetszentrum St. Markus

(Franz Josef Kai 21, 5020 Salzburg, ehem. Ursulinenkirche)

Ökumenisches Gebet für Syrien

Ökumene-Gebet für Syrien (Kathpress)

Published on 17 May 2013