
Securing Women’s Right to Communal Land through Dialogue and Advocacy

Experiences from East and West Africa

Guest Lecture by Stefanie Lemke

Monday, 20 November 2023 | 15h15 | GESELLSCHAFTSWISSENSCHAFTEN, HS 380 | Rudolfskai 42 | 5020 Salzburg | FLYER

 Stefanie Lemke is the head of the Institute for Development Research, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Vienna.

Organized by the Chair of Gender and Politics, Diversity and Equality as part of the DSP Gendered Body Politics and the Gender Lecture and Performance Series in cooperation with  Südwind.

Gesellschaftswissenschaften | Rudolfskai

Dr. Lena Ramstetter

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Department of Political Science

Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 6607

Email to Dr. Lena Ramstetter

Photo: Rudolfskai 42 | © Kay Müller