
Student vaccination initiative in Salzburg

The state of Salzburg is offering students the opportunity to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as part of a special campaign in mid-September and early October. Deputy Governor Christian Stöckl, Rector Hendrik Lehnert and Chair of the Austrian Students’ Union (ÖH) at the University of Salzburg, Laura Reppmann, welcome this offer and hope for a good turnout.

Christian Stöckl, Hendrik Lehnert and Laura Reppmann all agree that this offer is a significant step towards ensuring a safe start to the semester and, most importantly, an equally safe university and teaching environment. You can find the whole interview and further information  HERE (information in German).

Students can make the most of the special promotion free of charge and without registration for the Corona vaccination with Biontech. The offers at (page in German) are also still available to everyone. Free appointments in doctor’s surgeries or in a vaccination centre can still be made at (page available in English) and by phone on 1450.

Special vaccination dates:

  • 14. September 2021, 10am-5pm, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Urstein Süd 1, 5412 Puch
  • 4. October 2021, 10am-5pm, NaWi – Faculty of Natural Sciences, Hellbrunnerstraße 34, 5020 Salzburg
  • 5. October 2021, 10am-5pm, Unipark Nonntal, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
  • 6. October 2021, 10am-5pm, Mozarteum, Mirabellplatz 1, 5020 Salzburg

Close-up of bottles of COVID-19 vaccine

Photo: ©