
The definition of Antisemitism & Academic Freedom

The Departments of Philosophy & Political Science at the Faculty of Social Sciences and the Department of Biblical Studies and Ecclesiastical History at the Faculty of Catholic Theology cordially invite you to the lecture:

“The definition of Antisemitism & Academic Freedom”


Prof. Dr. Willem Smelik, the first Marko Feingold Distinguished Fellow in 2021, is Professor of Hebrew and Aramaic Literature at the Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London. Previous fellowships held include the Leverhulme Research fellowship (201-2019), the Harry Starr Fellowhip at Harvard (2017-2018), a fellowship at the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies (2010) and the Lady Davis Fellowship at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2004).

Prof. Willem Smelik’s research priorities focus on code-switching in early Jewish literature, texts and virtual reality between anti-Semitism and anti-Christian polemics, and the position of Jewish Aramaic dialects and Hebrew as the holy tongue. In the context of the fellowship he has given a lecture on Justinian’s Novella 146 from the perspective of antisemitism. A forthcoming presentation will deal with the legacy of Jews depicted as the devil’s children. In this lecture, he will comment on several aspects of academic freedom and the definition of antisemitism.


This event takes place in the context of the Course on “Freedom of Speech in Academic Contexts”/”Wo liegen die Grenzen akademischer Redefreiheit” (Philosophy & Political Science)

Organisation: Alexander Hieke, Professor of Philosophy; Zoe Lefkofridi, Professor of Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality; Kristin de Troyer, Professor of Hebrew Bible/Old Testament

Additional photo information (from left to right): Professor Willem Smelik, Danielle Spera (Director of the Jewish Museum Vienna), Alois Halbmayer (Dean at the Faculty of Catholic Theology, PLUS), Bundesministerin Karoline Edtstadler, Martin Weichbold (Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, PLUS), Hanna Feingold (President of the Jewish Community of Salzburg), Professor Dietmar Winkler and Professor Kristin De Troyer.

PLUS I BM Edtstadler u.v.a. I Mai 2021

Univ-Prof. Mag. Dr. Zoe Lefkofridi, MA, MAIS

Politics & Gender, Diversity & Equality

Paris Lodron University of Salzburg | Department of Political Science

Sigmund Hafner Gasse 18 | A-5020 Salzburg

Tel: +43 662 8044 6602

Email to Univ-Prof. Mag. Dr. Zoe Lefkofridi, MA, MAIS

Photo: Federal Minister Karoline Edtstadler, together with Vice-Rector Martin Weichbold, welcomed Professor Willem Smelik | © Neumayer