
W&K-Forum – Symposium: Harmony & Dissonance: Generative AI in Music and the Arts

Donnerstag, 20. Juni 2024 | 10:00-17:00 Uhr | Villa Vicina (Stiftung Mozarteum) | Schwarzstraße 30 | Salzburg |  FLYER

The symposium delves into the dynamic relationship between generative AI and the world of music within the broader spectrum of the arts. This interdisciplinary gathering will focus on the opportunities that generative AI presents to artists, while also addressing the inherent fears and challenges that accompany this technological innovation.

Our symposium will explore the diverse ways in which artists harness the power of AI to push the boundaries of musical creation, including the artistic collaboration with AI for musical expression or improving efficiency of specific tasks. This exploration will not shy away from acknowledging the concerns and uncertainties that loom over the artistic community and the music and arts sectors. Questions of authorship, the automation of jobs, and potential loss of human touch are among the challenges that demand thoughtful reflection. In this regard, the symposium will also address the broader implications of generative AI in the arts for society at large. For instance, how does the integration of AI in artistic creation redefine aesthetic values or shape the way we experience and consume art? These questions will guide our discussions as we strive to foresee potential societal shifts brought about by the fusion of technology and artistic expression.


  •  Marco Döttlinger, composer and sound artist, Salzburg
  • Noah Martin,  SUISA –  Swiss Cooperative Society for Music Authors and Publishers, Zurich
  •  Stephanie Meisl, D#AVANTGARDE – new technology, art and creativity, Vienna/Salzburg
  •  Jordi Pons, Stability AI, Barcelona
  •  Peter Tschmuck, University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna (mdw), Vienna

Symposium with presentations and discussions.
Event language: English

Main organizer: Christine Bauer, Department of Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces, Paris Lodron University Salzburg

Teilnahme kostenfrei.

Weitere Informationen auf:

Rahmenprogramm  Sweet Spot. Lounge für Elektroakustische Musik: OpenGarden – Beyond. Klanginstallationen von ausgewählten Komponistinnen und Komponisten im Orangeriegarten im Mirabellgarten.

Eine Veranstaltung von PB (Inter)Mediation. Musik – Vermittlung – Kontext / Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft & Kunst, Universität Salzburg/Universität Mozarteum Salzburg in Kooperation mit dem Fachbereich Artificial Intelligence and Human Interfaces der Universität Salzburg in der Vortragsreihe Musik & Mathematik.


Mag. Ingeborg Schrems


Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg | Interuniversitäre Einrichtung Wissenschaft und Kunst

Bergstraße 12 | 5020 Salzburg | Austria

Tel: +43 662 8044 2380

E-Mail an Mag. Ingeborg Schrems

Foto: © W&K