Green Meetings

Green Meetings & Events
Congresses, conferences, workshops, parties – many colleagues at the PLUS are entrusted with the organisation of events, either once or on a regular basis. Meetings are generally an important economic factor, a professional enrichment in science and a content-related communication platform in professional life. They often require large amounts of resources, cause emissions and therefore have a negative impact on our environment. Organisers are therefore increasingly focusing on climate protection, regional value creation and social compatibility. Instead of causing mountains of waste and additional traffic, ‘green meetings’ are characterised by strong awareness-raising, increased energy efficiency, waste avoidance and environmentally friendly arrival and departure of guests. A ‘green’ meeting can thus achieve an additional positive image among organisers, participants and sponsors.

Dr. Bernhard Zagel
Green Meeting Coordinator
FB Geoinformatik – Z_GIS | Senior Scientist | Abteilungsleiter
Schillerstraße 30/III , 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662 8044 7532
Fotos: © Universität Salzburg. PLUS