SUMMER SCHOOL on Global Comparative Private LawThe Summer School 2025 will take place from 30.6. – 12.7.
Application Period: 1.2. – 30.4.2025 |
The Summer School of European Private Law has been held in Salzburg every year since 2000. In the 25 years, thousands of students have been taught the principles of comparative law on the basis of a wide variety of legal systems.
The Summer School is part of the EU’s Jean Monnet Program and has repeatedly been financed with the help of European funds. The Summer School has received international recognition through repeated lectures by Supreme Court judges such as Justice Kennedy (formerly US Supreme Court), Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd (formerly Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales), Irmgard Griss (formerly President of the Austrian Supreme Court of Justice), numerous judges and a former advocate general of the European Court of Justice. EU Commissioner Johannes Hahn must be mentioned as a special friend and supporter of the Summer School.
The teachers come from almost every EU country as well as Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico, USA, Canada, South Africa, China, Japan, Turkey, Ukraine, the UK, Russia and Switzerland. The lessons are therefore given exclusively by experts from the respective countries in either German, French or English.
Great importance is attached to comparative law sessions. Panels of experts provide an introduction to various current legal issues, such as law and languages, harmonization or “how to make a civil code”, as part of round table events.
Case solutions from various areas of law are discussed by teachers and students together in special workshops. The internationally recognised expertise of the teachers is also evident from the fact that many of them hold important academic positions. Pascal Pichonnaz, for example, a professor in Fribourg in Switzerland, is President of the European Law Institute (ELI).
The Salzburg Summer School with its special didactic model and the on-site presence of such a large and diverse number of teachers and students is unique and world-leading. There is no other programme with such depth and lasting impact, which can also be seen in the active alumni association.
The desire for scientific co-operation arose from the experience in teaching at the Summer School, and so the Academy for European Private Law (Akademie für europäisches Privatrecht) was founded by the Summer School professors. This is a scholarly group that meets once a year during the Summer School and debates a current topic of law and society. In recent years, issues such as migration and civil rights, tax law, Montesquieu and the modern constitutions, and animal rights have been discussed. The Academy has commented on questions of codification, most recently on the reforms of the civil codes in France and Belgium. Important research has been published in the Academy book series, and another volume on the subject of Emperor Justinian’s legislation will be published in the coming year.
Die Summer School European Private Law findet seit dem Jahr 2000 alljährlich in Salzburg statt. Tausende Studierende wurden seither in den verschiedensten Rechtsordnungen nach den Prinzipien der Rechtsvergleichung unterrichtet. Die Summer School ist Teil des Jean Monnet Programmes der EU und wurde immer wieder mit Hilfe europäischer Gelder finanziert. Internationale Anerkennung fand die Summer School durch wiederholte Vorträge von Höchstrichtern wie Justice Kennedy (US Supreme Court), Lord John Thomas (Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales), Irmgard Griss sowie zahlreichen Richtern des EUGH. Als besonderer Freund und Förderer der Summer School muss EU-Kommissar Johannes Hahn genannt werden. Die Lehrenden stammen aussämtlichen Ländern der EU sowie Argentinien, Brasilien, Puerto Rico, USA, Canada, Südafrika, China, Japan, Türkei, Ukraine, Russland und der Schweiz. Der Unterricht wird somit ausschließlich von den Experten aus den jeweiligen Ländern erteilt. Ein großer Wert wird auf rechtsvergleichende Lehrveranstaltungen gelegt. Expertenpanels führen in Rahmen von Round Table Veranstaltungen in verschiedene aktuelle Fragen des Rechts ein, wie Law and Languages, Harmonization oder „How to make a Civil Code“. Falllösungen aus verschiedenen Rechtsbereichen werden in speziellen workshops gemeinsam von Lehrenden und Studierenden erarbeitet. Die hohe Qualität der Lehrenden wird auch dadurch ersichtlich, dass viele unter ihnen wichtige akademische Positionen bekleiden. Pascal Pichonnaz beispielsweise, Professor in Fribourg in der Schweiz, ist Präsident des European Law Instituts (ELI). Die Salzburg Summer School mit ihrem besonderen didaktischen Modell und der Präsenz vor Ort von einer derart großen und diversifizierten Anzahl von Lehrenden und Studierenden muss als weltweit einmalig bezeichnet werden. Es gibt kein zweites Programm mit einer derartigen Tiefenwirkung und Nachhaltigkeit, was auch an der Vereinigung der Alumni zu erkennen ist.
Aus der Erfahrung in der Lehre entstand der Wunsch nach wissenschaftlicher Zusammenarbeit und so wurde von den Mitgliedern der Summer School die „Akademie für Europäisches Privatrecht“ gegründet. Diese ist eine reine Gelehrtengesellschaft, die sich einmal im Jahr während der Summer School in Präsenz trifft und über jeweils ein aktuelles Thema von Recht und Gesellschaft debattiert. In den letzten Jahren wurden dabei Fragen wie: Migration und Bürgerrecht, Steuerrecht, Montesquieu und die modernen Verfassungen sowie das Recht der Tiere behandelt. Immer wieder nimmt die Akademie zu Fragen der Kodifikation Stellung, zuletzt zu den Reformen der Zivilgesetzbücher in Frankreich und Belgien. In der Reihe der Akademie erschienen bereits wichtige Beiträge, demnächst wird ein weiterer Band zur Thematik der Gesetzgebung des Kaisers Justinian erscheinen.
Understanding different legal systems and their underlying principles in private law has become of the highest importance for lawyers wanting to play an important part in the globalised world of today. The Academy for European Private Law offers, in collaboration with the University of Salzburg and leading universities around the world, a programme aimed at helping achieve this goal.
The programme is organised as a Summer School, in which students are familiarised with the essentials of more than 30 different legal systems during two weeks. More than 40 professors as well as several Justices from Supreme Courts and/or the ECJ attend. They come from nearly all the European Union member states, but also well beyond that (Canada, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, among others) to introduce students to their respective legal systems and to discuss the main features of those legal systems. Issues which matter to comparative and international lawyers (such as law and language, mixed legal systems, legal transplants, methodology in comparative law, European harmonisation of private law or how to read the decisions of various supreme courts) are also discussed and further developed during the daily round tables, where a group of professors present their ideas and debate with the participants. Participants have the possibility to get a more practical view of the differences between legal systems during the workshops, where case studies are discussed in order to show how the same facts may or may not lead to different results in various legal systems. Lectures are mainly taught in English, but some are taught in parallel sessions (English, German, French, Spanish, and Italian). The workshops are organised in parallel sessions (English, German and French).
The Summer School takes place at the law faculty in Salzburg, Austria – a picturesque city surrounded by the Alps, well-known for its musical heritage and stunning architecture. The law faculty is located in the heart of the historic part of the city, in the so-called Toskanatrakt, a 12th century building and a former residence of the archbishop.
Student accommodation within walking distance, as well as numerous cafés, restaurants and shopping opportunities. WiFi is available in all university buildings.
Report Participants Summer School 2019 (Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany)
Save the Date: Alumni meeting 8.7.2023 _ postponed to Summer 2024!!