International education partner
Nan-O-Style interacts with education partners in Barcelona who have been active in bringing nano-related sciences into schools. Achievements of the Nanoeduca project include the “Nano kit”, an assembly of practical examples for lessons in chemistry, physics, and mathematics which has so far been distributed to >20 schools in Spain. The Nanoeduca project is funded by the Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología – Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, the ICN2 Severo Ochoa Program, the University of Barcelona and the Fundació Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovació (FCRi).
Nan-O-Style furthermore collaborates with the ORT Moshinsky R&D Center in Tel Aviv which established a school network and actively promotes nano-education at secondary school level. The ORT plays a leading role in developing curriculum materials for education in science and technology in Israel and is involved in a number of EU projects dealing with nano-related activities. The Duschl group collaborated with ORT in the previous project NanoEIS coordinated by Prof. Albert Duschl. Dr. Nira Shimoni-Ayal and Ms. Nili Mozes Bloch will give virtual lessons for the school partners of Nan-O-Style. In addition to nano-related endeavors, career development of women in science and technology will be in their focus. These and other activities shall promote the female share in professions based on prior education in MINT subjects.
cc-NanoBioNet is a network connecting universities, research institutes, hospitals, and companies. The non-profit association was founded to enhance the communication between research, economy, politics and the public. Our goal is to: create new, innovative, and marketable products and workplaces, create and provide nanobiotechnological teaching contents for all education levels, support research and development, inform the public about the exciting world of nanobiotechnology. Our key issues are chemical nanotechnology, nanobiotechnology, pharmaceutical biotechnology and nanoethics and nanosafety. We are prospering thanks to our members’ commitment and we do a lot. What can we do for you?
Partner from Society and Economy
We gratefully acknowlege the two industrial partners Malvern Instruments and Prager Elektronik for enabling Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis (NTA) using the NanoSightTM technology.
Achievements of the Nan-O-Style project will be implemented in courses for teachers in practice on “Nanotechnology – nanobiomedical applications” which are organized by the PH Salzburg.
From 2000 on Mag. Reinhard Nestelbacher established a school network spanning the whole of Austria and parts of Bavaria. More than 160 school classes, and 3000 pupils per year attend courses termed “Flying labs”, which are organiced by DNA Consult Sciencetainment. Besides Reinhard Nestelbacher has been awarded several prices as bioartist for his work linking science with arts.
As the Allergy Cancer BioNano Research Center of PLUS is official member of BioNanoNet, the Nan-O-Style project collaborates with this Austrian network of research groups in health safety and medicine of nano-related sciences.
For data mining the Nan-O-Style projects interacts with the DaNa2.0 knowledgebase providing a large body of information on nanomaterials and their safety assessment.