The Senate

The Senate of the University of Salzburg shares governance of the University with the Rectorate and the University Council. It approves amendments to the statutes and participates in the appointment procedures for Associate and University Professors.

The Senate of the University of Salzburg comprises of 26 representatives from all university bodies (university professors, members of the mid-level faculty and general university staff as well as students). The Senate’s term of office is three years. The next Senate elections at the PLUS will take place in the summer semester 2025.

Photograph of members of University Senate

Photograph: © Clara Gröblacher


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Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Faber

Kapitelgasse 4-6, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 2391 oder 3062

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Assoz.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Günter Herzig
1st Deputy Chair


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René Thaler, MSc B.Eng.
2nd Deputy Chair


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Mag.a Ingeborg Schrems
3rd Deputy Chair




      • Ulrike Berninger
      • Oliver Diwald
      • Wolfgang Faber
      • Clemens Fuchs
      • Benjamin Kneihs
      • Zoe Lefkofridi
      • Imke Mendoza
      • Leonhard Menges
      • Bernhard Pöll
      • Ariadna Ripoll Servent
      • Angela Risch
      • Angelika Walser
      • Claudia B. Wöhle

Members of the mid-level academic staff:

      • Birgit Breninger
      • Roland Cerny-Werner
      • Günter Herzig
      • Katharina Kaltenbrunner (p.p.Thomas Kaltenbacher)
      • Daniel Krenn
      • Gernot Posselt

Member of the non-academic staff:

      • Ingeborg Schrems


      • Lena Fröschl
      • Cedric Keller
      • Sarah Podratzky
      • Laura Reppmann
      • René Thaler
      • Maximilian Veichtlbauer


      • Silvia Arzt (AKG)
      • Manfred Gabriel (BRI)
      • Josefine Puntus (BRII)


    • The Senate shall adopt and amend the Statutes on the proposal of the Rectorate. It shall approve the draft development plan prepared by the rectorate within two months. If the Senate does not approve it within the time limit, the development plan shall nevertheless be forwarded to the University Council.

    • The Senate shall approve the draft organisation plan determined by the Rectorate within two months. If the senate fails to approve the plan within the appointed period, the plan shall nevertheless be forwarded to the university council.

    • The Senate shall determine the size of the University Council and elect its members.

    • The Senate shall approve the advertisement for the position of Rector within two weeks of its submission by the University Council. If the Senate refuses to give its consent within two weeks, the University Council must immediately submit a new advertisement. If the senate again fails to give its consent within the time limit, the responsibility for the advertisement shall pass to the Federal Minister. If the Senate does not reach a decision within two weeks, the advertisement shall nevertheless be published.

    • The Senate shall approach the University Council with their choice of three candidates for the role of Rector, also considering the search committee’s proposal, within a maximum of four weeks from the proposal’s submission date. Should the Senate deviate from the proposal of the search committee, it should submit written justification for the selection of the three candidates to the University Council. When preparing the proposal for three candidates, the non-discrimination principle according to the Federal Equal Treatment Act must be observed.

    • The Senate shall comment on the Rector’s proposals regarding Vice Rectors (number, working hours and election proposal). It participates in the dismissal of members of the University Council, the Rector and Vice Rectors, and the appointment procedure for Associate and University Professors.

    • The Senate shall establish and amend curricula for regular studies and courses (sections 56 and 57) in accordance with the provisions of section 22(1)(12) and section 54(10). It shall determine academic degrees and designations for those graduating in University Programmes for Further Education.

    • The Senate decides in the second instance on study matters, establishes criteria for the allocation of income from university fees, appoints collegial bodies with and without decision-making powers (par. 7 and 8), issues guidelines for the activities of collegial bodies, approves the implementation of decisions from collegial bodies with such powers, submits comments to the Rectorate prior to the Rectorate’s assignment of persons to the individual organisational units, establishes a working group for equal opportunity matters and nominates one female and one male member for the Arbitration Committee.

Find our more information here:

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Mag.a Clara Gröblacher
Office of the Senate

Kapitelgasse 4-6 , 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 8044 2391