Salzburg Theological Studies – intercultural (STS-IC)

on behalf of the Center for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions of the Faculty of Theology of the University of Salzburg, published by Ulrich Winkler [† 27.01.2021]
STS 69 - Gutierrez.indd
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Gustavo Gutiérrez The God of Life (Salzburg Theological Studies 69 – intercultural 23) 290 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN; 978-3-7022-4039-4 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2022 The Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez is usually associated with his seminal work “Theology of Liberation” (Lima 1971) as well as with significant contributions to political theology. What is less well known is that Gutiérrez has produced several publications on spirituality and the understanding of the Christian faith, in which he devotes himself to the experience of suffering, the following of Jesus or the witness of faith in history and the present. A previously unknown publication by Gustavo Gutiérrez in the German-speaking world is the book “The God of Life”, published in Spanish in 1982. In his reflections, which follow the structure of the Christian belief in the Trinity, the author combines biblical testimonies, spiritual experiences and systematic reflections into an impressive work. Faith in God the Father, in which the experience of holiness and the demand for justice are mutually exclusive, faith in God the Son, which Gutiérrez consistently explores in the context of the message of the kingdom of God, as well as faith in God the Holy Spirit, in the context of which an approach to Mariology is also developed, open up insights into the potential of biblical belief in God. that still appeals to and challenges people today. This book is the first German-language translation of a book that belongs to the great tradition of Latin American spirituality of liberation and contributes to a deeper understanding of the work of Gustavo Gutiérrez.
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Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, Ulrich Winkler (eds.) Homo interreligiosus On the biographical location of interreligious processes in Raimon Panikkar (1918–2010). Contributions to an international symposium on the occasion of his 100th birthday (Salzburg Theological Studies 65 – intercultural 22) 172 pp., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback; ISBN: 978-3-7022-3952-7 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2021 Raimon Panikkar was one of the best-known and most prolific Christian interfaith thinkers of the 20th century. Rooted in two cultures and religions (Christianity and Hinduism) by his origins, his life as an interfaith man unfolded between the Mediterranean and Pacific Oceans, the Tiber and Ganges, the Pyrenees and the Himalayas. He formulated a universal philosophy of man, the divine and the cosmos (“cosmotheandric mystery”), while at the same time appreciating the different cultural and religious traditions in their diversity. As an academic and spiritual teacher, he spoke to people from all cultures. Most of the contributions in this anthology are lectures given at an international symposium on the occasion of his 100th birthday at the Center for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions at the University of Salzburg. The contributions (by Bettina Sharada Bäumer, Michael von Brück and Joseph Prabhu, among others) look at the life and thought of this great pioneer of interreligious dialogue from theological, philosophical, religious studies and spiritual points of view and ask about his relevance and inspirational power for our time.
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Michelle Becka, Franz Gmainer-Pranzl (eds.) Gustavo Gutiérrez: Theology of Liberation (1971/2021) The Lasting Impulse of a Theological Classic (Salzburg Theological Studies 64 – intercultural 21) 360 p., 22.5 x 15cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3946-6 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2021 Reflection and look into the future on the occasion of the 50th anniversaryWhen Gustavo Gutiérrez gave the lecture “Hacia una teología de la liberación” in July 1968 in the Peruvian city of Chimbote in the run-up to the Second General Assembly of the Latin American Bishops (Medellín) and published this text in a greatly expanded form in December 1971 as a book under the title Teología de la liberación. Perspectivas, he had no idea what a lasting impact this publication would have. Translated into several languages and re-edited in many editions, Gutiérrez’s Theology of Liberation is one of the best-known theological books of the 20th century and has received enthusiastic approval and intensive reception as well as criticism and rejection. In four parts, the author offers an impressive mediation of social analysis and reflection on faith, of sociology and theology, political positioning and spiritual deepening, social emancipation and ecclesiastical practice, and in all of this he asks about the relationships between religious “salvation” and social “liberation”. The challenge of understanding the relationship between “liberation” and “redemption” in the face of oppressive experiences of poverty and oppression and of (re)comprehending it theologically forms the central theme of this book, in which questions of theological epistemology, development theory, ethics and political science are treated as well as topics of church pastoral care, Christology and soteriology as well as the Eucharistic honor. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the publication of this theological classic, 16 authors shed light on aspects of liberation theology as conceived by Gustavo Gutiérrez, and see this publication as an encouragement for theology and the church to look to the future in the spirit of this great liberation theological impulse.
Buchcover 'Offenbarung interkulturell'Rodrigue M. Naortangar Revelation intercultural: The dogmatic constitution “Dei verbum” in dialogue with the Christ model by Fabien Eboussi Boulaga (Salzburg Theological Studies 60 – intercultural 20) 388 p., 22.7 x 15.1cm Paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3686-1 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2018 Is Christian revelation universal? In the age of globalization, the question of the extent to which the Catholic Church’s concept of revelation can be taken into account and at the same time cultural plurality can be taken into account is entering ever deeper into theological consciousness. The author is of the opinion that the concept of revelation can only be formulated universally in an intercultural dialogue process that understands “catholicity” not as the dissemination of a cultural tradition, but as an eschatological horizon in which different culturally shaped understandings of revelation are brought into conversation with each other. The author then advocates an intercultural orientation of the Second Vatican Council’s understanding of revelation in order to gain knowledge for the Catholic Church. To this end, he makes use of the Cameroonian theologian and philosopher’s atypical understanding of revelation Fabien Eboussi Boulaga and uses it as a contrast to the doctrine of revelation in Vatican II.
Buchcover: Pluralität, Fragmente, Zeichen der Zeit Stefan Silver Plurality, fragments, signs of the times. Current Fundamental Theological Challenges from the Perspective of Latin American Theology of Liberation (Salzburg Theological Studies 58 – intercultural 19) 340 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3613-7 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2017 The first part of this book is dedicated to the further development and reception of the theology of liberation in the period between 1990 and 2017. In each case, special attention is paid to the topicality and perpetuating relevance of the present as well as the growing plurality of this theology. The second part looks at the question of religions and their plurality from the perspective and tradition of liberation theology. This topic is becoming more and more explosive in the present and has been dealt with by numerous liberation theologians, especially in the first decade of the 21st century. The third part – also from the perspective of liberation theology – confronts the plural developments of Latin American cities. Both subject areas, religions and large cities, are treated as signs of the times and thus pose challenges for theology; in both areas, it is shown that the theology of liberation, by its principled orientation towards the option for the poor, is best placed to respond to these challenges.
Buchcover: Theologie der Befreiung heuteFranz Gmainer-Pranzl, Sandra Lassak, Birgit Weiler (eds.) Theology of Liberation Today.Challenges – Transformations – Impulses (Salzburg Theological Studies 57 – intercultural 18) 700 p., 22.5x 15 cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3577-2 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2017 The “theology of liberation” is currently declared dead by some, held up with a certain nostalgia by others, but hardly noticed or taken seriously by many. The great awakening of liberation theology, which, at least since the Third General Assembly of the Latin American bishops in Medellín in 1968, had led to a new perception of problems in the Church’s pastoral care and theological reflection, but above all to a new, liberating practice of proclaiming the faith, seems to have been forgotten today. The enormous social upheavals and global transformations, as well as church-political developments, have given rise to new liberation theological practices that have hardly been incorporated into theological reflection so far. In addition, grassroots movements, initiatives and departures emerged beyond traditional church and congregational structures, which implemented and developed the potential of liberation theological thinking in different ways – within and outside church contexts. This book, to which authors from Europe, Africa and Latin America contributed, makes clear the extent to which impulses of liberation theology have an impact on a wide variety of social areas and deal with questions of the economy, politics, globalization and urbanization, ecology and the situation of women in a critical and creative way.
Buchcover: Unterwegs zur Quelle des SeinsBettina Bäumer, Ulrich Winkler (eds.) On the way to the source of being. The relevance of the life and thought of Henri Le Saux/Abhishiktananda for the Hindu-Christian movement (Salzburg Theological Studies 55 – intercultural 17) 200 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3455-3 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2016 The Enduring Actuality of a Pioneer in Christian-Hindu Dialogue. The French Benedictine monk Henri Le Saux, in his Indian existence Swami Abhishiktananda (1910–1973), has become one of the leading figures in interreligious dialogue years after his death. A true contemplative, he lived a largely secluded life, largely in his hermitage in the Himalayas, although he had already played an influential role in the Church of India during his lifetime, in the decisive period during and after the Second Vatican Council. For all his personal modesty and humility, Abhishiktananda was convinced of the validity of his experience on the border between Hinduism and Christianity. At a time when Christians viewed Hinduism with suspicion and many misunderstandings, he tried to make its spiritual message accessible to them. His spiritual diary bears witness to his authentic experience in the encounter between his original Christian monastic tradition and the Hindu, mainly non-dualistic spirituality (Advaita), based on the Upanishads and the most important sage of the 20th century, Ramana Maharshi. The present volume contains a selection of contributions by European and Indian authors who pursue a double goal: on the one hand, to bring Swami Abhishiktananda back into the memory and recognize his importance, and on the other hand, to discover his relevance in today’s completely changed intellectual scene. In doing so, they build a bridge over the last 40 years since his death, during which the situation of interreligious dialogue has continued to develop. The result is astonishing and it shows that the experiences and insights of this Hindu-Christian contemplative still have explosive power.
Buchcover 'Deslocamentos - Verschiebungen theologischer Erkenntnis Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Eneida Jacobsen (eds.) Deslocamentos – Shifts in Theological Knowledge (Salzburg Theological Studies 54 – intercultural 16) 550 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3496-6 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2016 The Brazilian theologian Carlos Gilberto Bock uses the term “deslocamentos”, which has an exciting range of meanings in Portuguese (from displacement, change and dislocation to locomotion and dislocation of a joint), to refer to epistemological shifts resulting from social transformations. The pluralization, differentiation and decentration of social areas also leads to a changed way of theological knowledge, as can be seen in the example of liberation theology. These “shifts in theological knowledge”, as diagnosed by Carlos Gilberto Bock, provided the impetus for an ecumenical and intercultural research project: theologians from the Lutheran EST (Escola Superior de Teologia) in São Leopoldo in southern Brazil and the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Salzburg took up the challenge of integrating the epistemological innovation of the discourse of “deslocamentos” with regard to the areas of politics, To make culture and religion fruitful and to reflect on current issues and problem areas of human life, societies and churches in this perspective. The result of this ecumenical and intercultural cooperation is to be understood as an approach to a theological methodology that seeks to do justice to changing social conditions worldwide.
Buchcover 'Christlicher Glaube und Islam in Indonesien' Franz Magnis Suseno SJ Christian Faith and Islam in Indonesia. Experiences and reflections on mission and dialogue, eds. by Renate Hausner and Ulrich Winkler (Salzburg Theological Studies 53 – intercultural 15) 224 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN:978-3-7022-3418-7 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2017 On the basis of a long life in Indonesia and the best knowledge of the political and religious situation in this large, Islamic-influenced Southeast Asian country, the author discusses questions of dialogue between Islam and Christianity, religiously motivated extremism or the claim of church proclamation in a minority situation. The specific Javanese worldview is discussed as well as political and ethical aspects of the coexistence of plural societies. FRANZ MAGNIS SUSENO, born in Silesia in 1936, member of the Jesuit order, received his doctorate in philosophy in 1973 from the University of Munich, is professor emeritus of philosophy at the Driyarkara School of Philosophy and the Universitas Indonesia in Jakarta. He has lived in Indonesia since 1961, has long since taken Indonesian citizenship and is a member of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences. In 2002 he received an honorary doctorate in theology from the University of Lucerne. One focus of his work is the dialogue with Islam. Lecturer and numerous publications, mostly in Indonesian, especially in the fields of ethics, political philosophy, Marxism, philosophical doctrine of God and Javanese worldview.
Buchcover 'Buddhologie und Christologie' John D’Arcy May (ed.) Buddhism and Christology. Towards a collaborative theology. (Salzburg Theological Studies 50 – intercultural 14) 160 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN: 978-3-7022-3348-2 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2014 How can Christians and Buddhists practice theology together? There are many examples today of the adoption of Buddhist meditation practices by Christians. Some Christians even claim to be Buddhists at the same time. Socially engaged Buddhists, for their part, are willing to cooperate with Christians in the practice of liberation or peace work. So mutual acceptance is there in the beginning, but how can it be justified and explained? When such questions arise, the hour of theology has come. But is it even possible for Buddhists and Christians to practice theology together? This book examines the foundations of cooperation at the level of what some Buddhists have recently come to call theology. Just as Christianity has built up a Christology over the centuries, Buddhism has also developed an impressive edifice worthy of the name Buddhology. The book envisages a “collaborative” theology in which Buddhists and Christians reflect together on their spiritual and spiritual roots. How can such reflection be carried out without resorting to an abstract-neutral distance from one’s deepest convictions? How do you reconcile radically different relationships to history, how do you find mutually acceptable criteria for truth? Working together on such questions is perhaps the next step beyond the controversial pluralism or inclusivism of contemporary religious theology. JOHN D’ARCY MAY, born in Melbourne (Australia) in 1942, received his doctorate in Münster (Dr. theol., 1975) and Frankfurt (Dr. phil., 1982). After ecumenical work in Papua New Guinea (1983–1987), he was Director of the Irish School of Ecumenics (Dublin, 1987–1990, 1995) and Associate Professor of Interfaith Dialogue, Trinity College Dublin (1987–2007). He is a Fellow Emeritus of Trinity College Dublin and Honorary Professor of the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, College of Divinity, University of Divinity, and Monash University, Melbourne.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Franz Gmainer-Pranzl/Rodrigue M. Naortangar SJ (eds.) Christian Faith in Contemporary Africa. Contributions to a Theological Assessment. (Salzburg Theological Studies 49 – intercultural 13) 280 p., 22.5 x 15 cm paperback, ISBN 3-7022-3289-3 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2013 The election of Pope Francis has made it clear: most Christians live in the southern hemisphere of the world, in Africa alone there are almost 500 million. Among the ten countries in the world with the most Christians, three African countries appear: Nigeria (81 million), Congo (63 million) and Ethiopia (53 million). But growth is not the only hallmark of African Christianity. Theology and the Church are undergoing profound upheavals in many countries. After colonial beginnings and an intensive search for one’s own “culture”, a reflection on the “place” of the Christian faith in Africa has begun, and this anthology deals with this social and ecclesiastical transformation. African and European theologians undertake an assessment from different perspectives that (1) sheds light on the postcolonial reality of Africa, (2) highlights central questions and problems of systematic theology in the African context, and (3) discusses concrete challenges and developments in the life of Christian communities. Univ.-Prof. DDr. FRANZ GMAINER-PRANZL, born 1966 in Steyr (Upper Austria), studied theology and philosophy, Dr. theol. (University of Innsbruck, 1994), Dr. phil. (University of Vienna, 2004), habilitation in fundamental theology (University of Innsbruck, 2011), since 2009 director of the Center for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions at the University of Salzburg. RODRIGUE M. NAORTANGAR SJ, born in Chad in 1979, entered the Society of Jesus in 1999; Studied philosophy at the Faculté de Philosophie Saint Pierre Canisius in Kinshasa/Congo and theology at the Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus (ITCJ) Abidjan in Abidjan/Ivory Coast. Since 2009 he has been in Frankfurt am Main for a doctorate in dogmatics at the Sankt-Georgen University of Philosophy and Theology and a master’s degree at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe University in Frankfurt.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Jose Maria Vigil Theology of Religious Pluralism. A Latin American perspective. (Salzburg Theological Studies 48 – intercultural 12) 400 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 3-7022-3193-5 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2013 José María Vigil approaches the theme of religious pluralism through what he calls a “Latin American” methodology, which follows the well-known scheme of “seeing, judging, acting”. From a historical and contemporary perspective, he first unfolds the fact of religious plurality in the world. In the second step, he presents various instruments that help to explain and interpret this reality. He discusses different paradigms of religious pluralism and considers it from a biblical, ecclesiological and Christological-dogmatic point of view. Finally, in the last part of the book, he leads us back into the concrete world of human life, to “action”, and unfolds a new spirituality and a new dialogue practice. The entire book is intended as a faith course, which can be carried out in a group but also serves as personal reading. That’s why Vigil provides texts for discussion in each chapter, recommends exercises, and asks questions about personal location verification. JOSÉ MARÍA VIGIL, born in Zaragoza in 1946, studied theology in Salamanca and Rome as well as clinical psychology in Managua. He is a member of the Claretian Order and currently lives in Panama. He is the coordinator of the International Theological Commission of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians (EATWOT) and one of the leading liberation theologians. His books have been translated into nine languages.
Bild Doris HubertHuber, Doris “If you don’t have education, you don’t have liberation!” The Social Importance of Education for the Liberation of Women in Nicaragua. (Salzburg Theological Studies 47 – intercultural 11) 370 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 3-7022-3194-3 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2013 On the basis of years of commitment to development cooperation, this research project explores the question of what kind of education contributes to women’s liberation and what effects this liberation has on the shaping of a humane society. The thesis, which was written as a dissertation at the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Vienna, places itself in the context of feminist liberation theology in Latin America. It develops the demand for a critical and feminist definition of liberation and (as a result of a comprehensive survey) puts ten theses on education and liberation for women in Nicaragua up for discussion, as a contribution to an interdisciplinary dialogue on an equal footing. DORIS HUBER, Mag. Dr., born in 1958, studied Catholic Theology and Romance Studies in Vienna, completed her theological studies in 1982 and received her doctorate in theology in 2011. She lives and works in Klosterneuburg, Austria, as well as in Managua and Somotillo, Nicaragua, and is the founder and managing director of “MIRIAM – Educational Project for the Advancement of Women”, which has been supporting girls and women in Nicaragua and Guatemala for over 20 years through a scholarship program and carrying out projects for women’s rights and against intra-family and sexual violence. Doris Huber is a recipient of the Decoration of Honour of the Republic of Austria and in 2011 was awarded the “Herta Pammer Prize” of the Catholic Women’s Movement of Austria in the Science Section. In December 2011, the MIRIAM project received the Human Rights Award of the Provincial Government of Styria.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesWinkler, Ulrich Paths of Theology of Religion. From Election to Comparative Theology (Salzburg Theological Studies 46 – intercultural 10) 482 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 3-7022-3191-9-1 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2013 The paths of the theology of religion lead to the arenas of its forms of reflection and fields of action. The places of knowledge visited bear the problematic signatures of our time of cultural and religious plurality. The theology of religion is not a negligible niche discourse or an annoying fad, but rather the plurality of other religious beliefs forms an inescapable horizon of responsibility for the whole of contemporary theology. The theological figure of a misunderstood election has sometimes supported the exclusivity of one’s own. God’s election, however, is rather concrete action under the conditions of each concrete history and urges for a universal dissolution of boundaries and transgression. Repentance is necessary: the Jews are not rejected, and among the other religions there is truth, holiness and gifts of the Holy Spirit, says the Second Vatican Council. The heart of this thesis lies in the interweaving of Israel theology and religious theology. The parenthesis is opened with an intercultural positioning of theology in terms of discourse and science policy and leads to the theological future perspective of a comparative theology and a spiritual foundation of theological reflection. ULRICH WINKLER, Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. was a founding member and deputy director of the Center for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions at the University of Salzburg and taught dogmatics and theology of religion at the University of Salzburg.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Claver, Francisco F. The building of a local church. Legacy of a Filipino Bishop (Salzburg Theological Studies 44 – intercultural 9) 272 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-3149-1 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2011 At a time of great uncertainty and pressing problems in the Catholic Church, this book, as a legacy of the Philippine Bishop Francisco F. Claver, seems like a liberating gift for ecclesial renewal. Intimately connected to the Philippine church base and sensitive to its concerns, the charismatic church leader and professor at the Jesuit University in Manila takes up the spirit and texts of Vatican II with refreshing courage. In his book, he shows how a living church can emerge in dialogical participation and co-responsibility of all members of the church in every place and in every culture. In their own culture, small ecclesiastical grassroots communities engage in church and society through joint reading of the Scriptures and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Bishop Claver has been advocating for this type of church in the local Church of the Philippines for decades. His prophetic work will also inspire other local churches throughout the world. FRANCISCO F. CLAVER SJ (1929–2010), first Bishop of the newly founded Diocese of Malaybalay in the Philippines, Vicar Apostolic of Bontoc-Lagawe from 1984 to 2004. He studied theology in the Philippines and at the Jesuit Woodstock College in Maryland, USA, as well as philosophy in Kottayam, India. PhD at the University of Colorado, Boulder/USA (“Sharing the Wealth and the Power. Agrarian Reform in a Southern Philippine Municipality”). – President of the Episcopal Commission for Non-Believers in Manila (1974-1978), President of the Episcopal Commission for Indigenous Filipinos, Chairman of the Commission for Social Affairs, Justice and Peace of the Philippine Episcopal Conference (1995-1999). Bishop Claver contributed to the overthrow of dictator Ferdinand Marcos in 1986. With social science and pastoral competence, he was connected to the people as a bishop. With his death, the Catholic Church in Asia lost one of its most prominent thinkers. Prior to “The Making of the Local Church,” “The Stones Will Cry Out” was released in 1978. Grassroots Pastorals”.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesHolztrattner, Magdalena The others are really poor. Participatory poverty research with young people. An Interdisciplinary, Empirical Study on a Practical-Fundamental Theological Basis (Salzburg Theological Studies 43 – intercultural 8) 488 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-3117-0 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2011 How can young people affected by poverty participate in interdisciplinary poverty research in order to enrich it with their experiential knowledge? How should theological poverty research be designed in order to enable the participation of poor young people? Within the framework of an interdisciplinary (sociology, political science, theology) and intercontextual (El Salvador, Ukraine, Austria) empirical study, this theological research paper discusses the question of conditions of the survey and theological reflection of (God) statements of poor young people. A definition of poverty from the point of view of poor young people as well as the concepts of the hierarchy of the poor and affective poverty are central findings of the study, as well as the strengthening or weakening power of an image of God in the search for the improvement of one’s own life situation. MAGDALENA HOLZTRATTNER, MMag. Dr., born in 1975, studied Catholic theology, philosophy and Spanish in Salzburg and San Salvador and received his doctorate in theology with this thesis; Since 2009 she has been the country consultant for Mexico and the Dominican Republic of the Episcopal Action Adveniat in Essen.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesHoff, Gregor Maria/Winkler, Ulrich (eds.) Religious conflicts. On the Local Topography of a Globalization Phenomenon (Salzburg Theological Studies 42 – intercultural 7) 280 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-3108-8 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2011 Religiously underpinned or even just covered conflicts determine the current political game plans to a dramatic degree. On the basis of fundamental analyses, this volume examines local religious conflicts and connects them with their global dynamics. Trouble spots and social hotspots in different zones of the world will be discussed (Africa: Nigeria; Asia: Sri Lanka; Middle East: Lebanon; Europe: Balkans). They will be questioned about their conflict patterns and their local relevance (focus: Berlin and Vienna) within a globalized European society. Which cultural-historical framework conditions and religiously tradition-determined preconditions, which course patterns and conflict strategies, which variants of reflection and possible processing options can be determined? What is the place of religious conflicts in the given economic and political environment? How are they staged in the media? The book explores these questions. GREGOR MARIA HOFF, born in 1964, University Professor of Fundamental Theology and Ecumenism at the Department of Systematic Theology at the University of Salzburg, Chairman of the Salzburg University Weeks. ULRICH WINKLER, born 1961, former. Professor at the Department of Systematic Theology at the University of Salzburg, Deputy Director of the Centre for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions at the University of Salzburg.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesFranke, William Poetry and Apocalypse. Theological Explorations of Poetic Language. Translated from the American by Ursula Liebing and Michael Sonntag (Salzburg Theological Studies 39 – intercultural 6) 216 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-3050-0 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2011 Poetry and Apocalypse searches for the premises of a dialogue between cultures, especially between religious-fundamentalist and modern-secularist attitudes. The thesis is that in general, in order to be truly open, dialogue must be open to the possibility of the religious apocalypse. Such a possibility can best be understood through poetic experience. In this sense, Christian epic is integrated into the tradition of the prophetic tradition and interpreted as a secularization of theological revelation. Their view, however, insists on the essentially apocalyptic character of truth and its unlocking in the course of history. The often neglected Negative Theology, which underlies this apocalyptic tradition, offers the key to a new and open understanding of the Apocalypse in its poetic and religious nature. WILLIAM FRANKE is Professor of Comparative Literature and Religious Studies at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, USA. After completing a master’s degree in philosophy and theology at Oxford University and a doctorate in comparative literature at Stanford University, he was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the University of Potsdam and Visiting Professor of Comparative Literature at the University of Hong Kong, and most recently Fulbright Professor at the Center for Intercultural Theology and the Study of Religions at the University of Salzburg (2008). His publications include philosophical reflections on Dante and various poets and thinkers from the Greeks (e.g. Homer, Damascius) to postmodernism (Derrida, Celan, etc.), as well as Dante’s Interpretive Journey (University of Chicago Press, 1996) and On What Cannot Be Said: Apophatic Discourses in Philosophy, Religion, Literature and the Arts (University of Notre Dame Press, 2007).
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesJacques Dupuis Towards a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism eds. by Ulrich Winkler, translated by Sigrid Rettenbacher in collaboration with Christian Hackbarth-Johnson and Wilhelm Schöggl. With a foreword by Hans Waldenfels [Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism, 7th printing New York 2006] (Salzburg Theological Studies Intercultural 38 – intercultural 5) 600 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-3049-4Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2010 According to Jacques Dupuis, the multiplicity of religions is a wealth ordained by God, which must not be “endured” but positively evaluated out of the innermost Christian conviction of faith. In doing so, Dupuis does not abandon church positions, but establishes interreligious dialogue and religious theology at the center of Christian theology. JACQUES DUPUIS SJ (1923–2004) from Belgium was a professor of dogmatics in India and at the Gregorian in Rome and an advisor to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Reviews: R. Kirste, INTR°A “Book of the Month” August 2010
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesFürlinger, Ernst Understanding by touching. Interreligious Hermeneutics Using the Example of the Non-Dualistic Sivaism of Kashmir (Salzburg Theological Studies Intercultural 29 – intercultural 4) 452 p., 22.5 x 15 cm Paperback ISBN 978-3-7022-2787-6 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2006 New Perspectives of Spiritual Experience. At the heart of this study is a branch of Hindu Tantrism, the non-dualistic Sivaism of Kashmir. In this spiritual-philosophical tradition, “touch” is a key word: the sensual and spiritual dimensions, as well as the absolute and the plurality of phenomenal reality, interpenetrate each other. The second part of the thesis follows the trail of the concept of “touch” in Greek and Christian antiquity, whereby new perspectives on the spiritual experiences of Plotinus and Augustine emerge from the perspective of Kashmiri Iivaism. The third part reflects on the processes of understanding, misunderstanding, interpreting and translating that take place when a European Christian encounters the Sivaism of Kashmir.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesJosef Sinkovits / Ulrich Winkler (eds.) World Church and World Religions The explosiveness of the Second Vatican Council 40 years after Nostra Aetate (Salzburg Theological Studies 28 – intercultural 3) 368 pages, 22.5 x 15 cm, softcover ISBN 978-3-7022-2744-9 Tyrolia-Verlag, Innsbruck-Vienna 2007 On the state of interreligious dialogue 40 years after “Nostra Aetate”. In 1965, “Nostra Aetate” was the first council to adopt a declaration on the relationship of the Church to other religions. The Second Vatican Council gives them a theological appreciation and urges them to “recognize, preserve and promote” the “spiritual and moral goods” of religions. In this way, the Church redefines her mission of promoting human solidarity. She learns to understand the Gospel and herself in today’s world from the point of view of others, and thus transforms herself into the universal Church. Interreligious dialogue represents a profound religious challenge for the Church to present the truth of her own faith before and with the truth of other religions, while at the same time not avoiding guilt and differences. In this volume, high-ranking representatives of the Catholic Church and other religions bundle the positions of “Nostra Aetate” and ask about the significance of interreligious dialogue for the religious practice of the universal Church. Does the declaration also make a concrete contribution to defusing explosive confrontations on the ground? The source of conflict in the former Yugoslavia is cited as the first case of theological achievements.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesLeSaux, Henri / Abhishiktananda, Swami Inner Experience and Revelation Theological essays on the encounter between Hinduism and Christianity. With an introduction by Jacques Dupuis, S.J. (†) eds. by Christian Hackbarth-Johnson, Bettina Bäumer and Ulrich Winkler Translated from French and English by Christian Hackbarth-Johnson (Salzburg Theological Studies Intercultural 2) [The original French edition: Henri Le Saux, O.S.B./ Swami Abhishiktânanda, Intériorité et révélation. Essais théologiques, Éd. Présence: Sisteron 1982, has been reviewed and expanded.] Tyrolia-Verlag • Innsbruck-Wien 2005, 39,00 Eur[D], ISBN: 3-7022-2654-0, 390 pages. From the series: Salzb. Theol. Stud. 23 /Salzb. Theol. Stud. interculture.For the first time in German: The theological legacy of the pioneer of Christian-Hindu encounter These essays document stages of an extraordinary “interreligious existence”. The first part reflects the existential and theological processing of the French Benedictine’s transformative experiences when, challenged by his encounter with the Indian sage Sri Ramana Maharshi (1879-1950), he sought to penetrate the spirituality of India. The second part shows the great bridge-builder and his committed commitment to a spiritual renewal of Christianity from the continued experience of dialogue. Even today, these texts provide important impulses for any future theology of religions.
Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes Bettina Bäumer Trika: Basic Themes of Kashmiri Sivaism Edited by Fürlinger, Ernst. Translated by Fürlinger, Ernst Publisher: Tyrolia ISBN: 3-7022-2511-0 Binding: Paperback Pages/Volume: 216 pages Published: 1st edition 11.2004 Price in: 25,00 Eur [D] / 25,00 Eur [A] Salzb. Theol. Stud. 21 / Salzb. Theol. Stud. interculture. 1 A basic exposition of this fascinating and important Indian philosophy. Kashmiri Sivaism, also known as Trika (the Triadic System), is one of India’s most fascinating religious traditions. He integrates philosophy, mystical theology and practice as well as aesthetics. Despite an extensive literature in Sanskrit, this tradition, which belongs to Hindu Tantrism, is still largely unknown in the West. The volume is the first introduction to Kashmiri Sivaism in German. In a comprehensible way, the author explains basic themes of this tradition such as “universal harmony”, “divine energy”, “the spiritual paths”, etc. Furthermore, she gives impulses for a dialogue between Christian and divaitic mysticism, which is still in its infancy. This encounter can contribute to the enrichment of the mystical theology and practice of Christianity.