ongoing research-projects:

Developing a Theology of the Interreligious Dialogue from a Jewish-Christian Perspective – Phase (German only)

Research groups

Univ. Prof. DDr. Franz Gmainer-Pranzl

  • Project Group “Theology(s) Africa” (WGTH – Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Theologie, Berlin):
    Publication project: Critical Terms for African Theologies – Canons of (De-)Conzeptualiziations
    (Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Andreas Heuser, Klaus Hock, Christiana Idika, Claudia Jahnel, Anja Middelbeck-Varwick, Katharina Peetz, Wilhelm Richebächer, Ulrike Schröder)
    Band to be released in Leipzig in 2021
  • Project Group “Handbook of Intercultural Theology
    (Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Judith Gruber, Andreas Heuser, Klaus Hock, Claudia Jahnel, Anja Middelbeck-Varwick)
    Planning for an interdisciplinary and ecumenical handbook