Integrated framework for adult education providers to support social inclusion for learners with health-related conditions 2019-1-AT01-KA204-051520, „INDUCATE“

2019-1-AT01-KA204-051520, „INDUCATE“ „INDUCATE“
Start: 01-12-2019 – End: 31-03-2022
Project Reference: 2019-1-AT01-KA204-051520
EU Grant: 253,833 EUR

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes


Access to, quality, effectiveness and benefits of adult education remains elusive for many people with health-related conditions. Learners with health issues, who are often more in need of education to increase opportunities for social inclusion and employability, actually benefit less from it, because adult education (AE) providers do not often account for associated challenges. There is a moral and social obligation to improve AE providers’ functions and provide learning offerings adapted to the needs of all, as a means of strengthening social inclusion. The lack of systematic evaluation & monitoring of impact on learners with health-related conditions prevents AE providers from designing improved practices. AE providers can significantly benefit from a systematic review of their effectiveness and from cross-fertilisation and transfer of experience on relevant policies; they need to adopt a systematic monitoring system to assess their impact on learners with health issues and develop informed quality improvement plans.


  1. Develop an integrated framework for AE providers that will cater for the specific needs & particularities of people with health-related conditions
  2. Identify the factors that affect AE effectiveness on learners with health problems
  3. Provide an integrated framework, for AE providers to evaluate the impact of their offerings on learners with health problems3
  4. Share recommendations to enable AE providers to successfully address the needs of persons with health-related issues


INDUCATE brings together 5 organisations from the worlds of adult learning provision, educational research & policy development, from 5 EU countries with different experience in monitoring AE effectiveness. PLUS is experienced in educational research, social pedagogy and research on inclusion of disadvantaged people. AGORA is an AE provider, experienced in the establishment of frameworks in AE and addressing adults from vulnerable groups at risk of social exclusion. PROMEA has extensive experience in design and implementation of research activities for education and projects targeting the improvement of adult education. ZIDINIO offers educational services to adults focusing on socially disadvantaged groups and the development of teaching tools. GIP-FCIP CRÉTEIL is experienced in adult education policies & programmes, qualification and training for people with disabilities.


  1. Research on factors affecting AE effectiveness on learners with health-related conditions
  2. Develop an Integrated Assessment Framework & online tool for adult learning providers to measure their effectiveness on learners with health problems
  3. Produce road-map with recommendations for AE providers on how to successfully address the needs of persons with health related issues
  4. Activities for valorisation of INDUCATE results and creation of an INDUCATE network & repository of self-assessment reports, quality improvement plans and a Memorandum of Cooperation
  5. Transnational training workshop on the use of the INDUCATE framework and the design of institution specific measures for improvement
  6. Promotion of INDUCATE outputs through 5 multipliers events in partner countries.


  1. Analysis of factors for measuring adult education effectiveness on learners with health-related conditions to provide trainers and staff of adult leaning providers with greater understanding on needs of adults with health-related problems and help them design & deliver more efficient education programmes (4500 individuals to be reached).
  2. A framework and online tool for the evaluation of the effectiveness of adult learning providers towards persons with health-related issues to engage AE providers in a self-assessment process to evaluate impact of their programmes on learners with health problems and enable them to develop quality improvement plans (450 providers).
  3. Road-map with recommendations for adult learning providers to help them improve their effectiveness, adapting education provision to the needs of learners with health problems.
  4. Network of INDUCATE adopters: signed Memorandum of Cooperation & repository of assessment results and quality improvement plans to allow the exchange of practices and promote the adoption of INDUCATE outputs (60 adopters during project life).
  5. National infodays to reach and involve target groups (300 participants).


  1. Uptake and adaptation of INDUCATE Assessment Framework and Tools by AE providers in EU.
  2. Uptake of INDUCATE framework from national bodies involved in monitoring, quality assurance and evaluation of AE systems in Europe, with the aim to improve current monitoring techniques.
  3. Participation of a growing number of adult learners with health related issues in lifelong learning programmes that have been improved based on INDUCATE outputs, resulting in social inclusion or persons with health-related conditions.


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